Bunny chew stick?


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
I want to give my rabbit a stick to chew on to help keep his teeth ground down, but I vaguely remember that certain types of wood aren't good for them. I have spruce and poplar available. Which would be better?
I dont know about bunnies but I do know as a rule , Pine and Ceder and woods with the nice smelling oils are bad for all birds and small animals as the oils that make them smell good are bad for there respitory tracks and can even be absorbed thru the skin and cause kindy and liver damage. Other then that I have no clue but I am shure someone will good luck
The popular wood
spruce and any conifir tree is toxic.
you can also give maple, oak,apple.
no cherry, it is toxic
willow can be given but keep in mind it also has asprin properties, used mainly for mild pain relief, but rabbits do so love it.
Thanks for the info. I have literally acres of both spruce and poplar growing wild so I'll just grab a small stick for him to gnaw on. Glad you mentioned about the spruce being toxic. I thought about using the left over chunks of 2 x4 from our various building projects, but most lumber here is spruce.

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