
I agree. But it looks like some political persons are going to use it as the bread and butter of their next campaign. They will fuel a feeling of indignation and tell people that some people have it better than them. Remember the Watts riots? People thought they were justified in looting.

I sure don't want to go through that again.
I was in Cali during the riots of 92 & only know of the watts riot from what i read. Very scary situations. Some People love to fuel the fire. I work hard for what i have & dont take from others. I guess some dont work at all & take what they want. Its a selfish society we live in.
I agree 110% it's sickening what is happening in this country and if the political correctness gets any worse I think I'll throw up! Anyways glad too see you caught the piece of garbage hope you got your stuff back.
Thank you :) & We are getting most of our stuff back. We got pretty lucky.
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Would a couple of guard dogs make you fell more secure and also deter burglars?
We do have big dogs & surveillance cameras but they still come around once in a while., My dogs are either in the house or the garage at night. The guy was here at midnight. My dogs barked but i guess that what kept him from forcing his way in a door. Most of my family was in bed ( including myself) when he was creeping around.
By your name (newfoundland) i assume your dogs a slighly bigger than mine
my biggest is 110 but would definately take a grown man down if needed.
No I don't have Newfoundlands, mine are Jack Russells!! Newfoundland is the name of the farm, and it isn't in Canada either, but in UK. Hope you are feeling a little bit better after your experience.

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