buried wire coop floor?

I don't know of anyone saying a predator dug under their coop or fence that had wings. The concept is that a predator will dig at the base of a wall and hit the wire. It does not have enough sense to go out a couple of feet to find the end of the wire to go under. However, if it is not staked down and/or buried, it could possibly go under if it sees the fence sticking up.

Ideally, is to bury the fence straight down about two feet, but in some soil that is not possible. I hit rock about six inches below the dirt. What I usually do is rototill a trench around the outside for the wings to lay in, then I stake it and cover with dirt.

Welded wire or hardware cloth is best because a predator would tear through chicken wire layed on the ground.
Thanks so much for the info
I just have one more question as far using stakes, would the stakes you find at a home improvment store (Such as Lowes) Surfice? I plan on digging a six inch recess where I will lay the hardware cloth down to form wings and then covering it with dirt and mulch. Does this sound ok? Once again Thanks so much for your help!

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Thanks for the reply, im heading over to Lowes today to see what I can find. I'll try to post pics of what i come up with. Thanks again -Dom

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