Butchering/gut photos

So.. stop with the candy, whipped cream cake and caviar for them then?

Seriously though, I feed mine pellets, and give them a few handfulls of scratch grain thru the day when I am home. 4 chickens get 2 sometimes 3 if I am outside all day hands of scratch. Is that too much treats?
Scratch shouldn't be fed daily -- a little bit every few days or couple weeks.
I think it’s treats but I haven’t fed them any in a while except one teeny handful of popcorn last week so I’m not sure. I think he must have found some stuff while free ranging. Idk what though.
I cant see them getting fatty over one or two treats. Id think just like people it would take a while to become a fat arse. Even if they free ranged, it's not like there is candy laying around, they may get some bugs and stuff but they'd get that in the wild anyways, unless you let them into the trash bags. If they do free range, Id think they'd be more in shape to begin with than one that is caged all day, just eating.

So.. stop with the candy, whipped cream cake and caviar for them then?

Seriously though, I feed mine pellets, and give them a few handfulls of scratch grain thru the day when I am home. 4 chickens get 2 sometimes 3 if I am outside all day hands of scratch. Is that too much treats?
I think it might be but idk. When I used to feed it was that much for like 8, 12 chickens. Should be no more than 10% of the diet if at all. I used to feed tons but now don’t at all except for the other day and only cause i noticed the stale bag with hardly anything left.
I cant see them getting fatty over one or two treats. Id think just like people it would take a while to become a fat arse. Even if they free ranged, it's not like there is candy laying around, they may get some bugs and stuff but they'd get that in the wild anyways, unless you let them into the trash bags. If they do free range, Id think they'd be more in shape to begin with than one that is caged all day, just eating.

Yeah, that’s what’s so weird to me! I mean, they have been penned more lately because we’ve had some predators around so maybe that’s why he got more fatty? But even then, he’s always crowing and mating and running around. Some
of my chickens just sit around while penned but he wasn’t one 😂 so it’s weird to me.
By handful I mean I reach in with one hand, grab some and let them eat it out from between my fingers, I don't mean huge scoop of grains. It's not 10 percent of what they eat, now that I think, maybe 5 percent, ill have to check tomorrow with a scale and see. Im curious now.
That would be interesting to know 😊
I cant see them getting fatty over one or two treats. Id think just like people it would take a while to become a fat arse. Even if they free ranged, it's not like there is candy laying around, they may get some bugs and stuff but they'd get that in the wild anyways, unless you let them into the trash bags. If they do free range, Id think they'd be more in shape to begin with than one that is caged all day, just eating.

It does take time for them to get fat -- this is why you feed treats only on occasion: So that they can work off the extra calories.
Also, treats like scratch grain don't have much in the way of nutrition, so it's taking away from their overall health over time.
Kind of like how you don't eat a huge slice of cake with a bunch of ice cream and whipped cream every single night -- you only have it on occasion.

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