
I don't think those are buttercups. You should alredy be able to see the "buttercup" comb which may look like two side-by-side single combs, and their legs should be green-ish. If they do have the buttercup comb (and I just can't tell in this picture), then they might be buttercups and their legs may just take a while to turn.

The best way I can describe their comb is like a flat oval that is ribbed around the edges. It's so small I don't think I can get a pic yet.
Where did you get them from? Could they be Brown Leghorns? Those chicks have the chipmunk pattern, too.

Quote: They came from Meyer Hatchery as part of their "assorted rare breeds" package.
Since the comb looks oval with ribs around the edges, they very well may be Buttercups! I have 3 buttercups, 2 pullets and one cockerel. This is my advice: treat them sort of like a cat - don't force them to be held by you longer than they want to be (only long enough for you to look them over or whatever, but they need to know that they can come close to you then decide to back off), and feed them treats from your hand (like live mealworms) once they get old enough to have them. I didn't do those things right with my cockerel, and he's very skittish, but I got my pullets later, and they will run right up to me and hop into my lap to see what I have. They can FLY, like onto the top of my shed which is 6 feet tall at the lowest point of the roof. And they're more independent than the rest of the flock (like they will wander off in the yard by themselves during free range time, when the rest of the flock sticks together). Super cute chick, by the way!
Right now the only bird that I can say likes me is my Pekin, LOL. The other scatter when they see me. Oh, and one of the barred rocks - though I am thinking that my sexed pullet is actually a rooster. I have the worst luck.
I bought 4 sexed female EEs - one was a roo. 16 assorted sexed pullet brown egg layers - at least one, if not two, are roos - possibly more because I split the order with a friend.
Oh wow! I rarely get a roo when I order just pullets but whenever I order straight run I end up with hardly any females. I don't have much experience with easter eggers. Are they good for meat what exactly are the?
Easter Eggers are a mixed breed (Americana mix I believe) that usually lay blue-green eggs. I don't know in general how well they are for meat - my roo started crowing at 14 weeks and we had to butcher him then (I'm in town and can't have a rooster) so we didn't get much off of him at all. That's him in my avatar at about 10 weeks I think. I'm hoping the roo(s) in the current batch will be quieter so I can fatten them up more before we have to send them off.

These were my ladies. I only have the brown one in the back now, the other two were killed by a possum that got in the run.

This was the rooster right before we sent him off:

Ohh see I kept thinking americaunas whenever I saw them. That's a shame about your rooster the silver and red are really gorgeous on him. I had a raccoon take out some of my hens a few months back so I know how you feel about losing your hens. it's such a shame after putting all that time into raising them.

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