I hate shopping on a normal day never mind black friday I did do some shopping on line yesterday.
I bought a few yule gifts for grandchildren but most gifts will be homemade.
I used to work at a jo-ann fabrics and I hated working black friday and used to stand there thinking don't these people have something better to do.
I'm knitting socks too. I just learned and its fun figuring it out.I've been knitting for years but never socks.
I buy a real tree down the road from me at a store my neighbor owns.I put an artificial one in the house and the real one goes on the porch with natural ornaments that the birds can eat.
I'm allergic to pine trees and the woodstove really dries out a real tree fast.
Sorry - I misunderstood!!

Just for the record, I think people with little local tree farms are too cool!!!! I think it would be awesome to be surrounded by something that brings so much joy every year!!!! You are bringing happiness to lots of people.

Except to my horse who is not allowed to graze in there cos she stands on the trees!!
From the Wednesday before T Day til after Christmas I do not go to Walmart, or the nice grocery store with the great bakery next to it.

I just can not stand people. And hoards of them.. in a WalMart. Well. Makes me ill to think about it.

Anyway. I had to work today, until we had to take the kid to the ER that is. fun fun fun.
I didn't see anything in the sale papers or commercials that looked like a deal that would make me get out of bed at 4am!

Besides, I finished my shopping 3 weeks ago!!!
I'll start shopping for the next Yuletide on Dec 26th!
I had to go to Wal Mart today to get bird food. The people person (the person who greets you when you come in) told me that in New York the person who greets people was knocked to the floor stepped on and killed. Can you believe that. I didn't get to listen to the news. Did anyone else here this?
Geez! That's nuts!

I didn't buy a dang thing today. Unless you count outrageously priced stamps for my holiday cards, I mailed those this afternoon.
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Ughhh I totally gave in

They had Mp3 players on sale that I wanted to get my daughter.
I also took my 11 year old sister with me so that she could get this alarm clock that she wanted
Our walmart wasnt nearly as bad as I have seen before. They all just stood there and then at 5am the worker opened the case up and handed them out as everyone waited patiently.
I think alot of bigger cities are giving everyone a bad name. There still are stupid people that do stupid things but alot of people are not like that.
YAY for Buy Nothing Day!!!!! Here's a video to give you an idea what happens to people after generations of not getting out of "THE" line! Think about it and enjoy.....

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