Buyer Beware!!!...Chicken Coops NW



In the Brooder
May 28, 2017
Hello! I'm one of the new chicken keepers on the block. I felt compelled to join the conversation because of my recent experience with a producer of chicken coop kits, Chicken Coops NW/My Urban Farmers. We purchased a "Resort" style coop back in February and it was delivered April 5th. Because our chicks weren't old enough for the coop, my husband assembled it April 28 and that's when the problems began.

The coop is darling, but the wood is extremely lightweight and soft. The hardware is something you'd find holding the Barbie Dreamhouse together and when my husband tried to use more substantial hardware, the wood split. Every rung on the ramp came off because each was secured with tiny finishing nails. Our roof is splitting and coming apart also. I recently cleaned the coop for the first time and the triangles that hold the backdoor from caving into the coop completely broke off. I shouldn't have been surprised to find that the wood triangles were just centimeters thick and secured with glue and teeny tiny nails like the majority of the coop.

I've contacted the company on 4 different occasions about all the issues we are having with the coop and at first, the excuse was that parts came loose during shipping and then when I sent photos to back up my complaints, it was improper installation. My husband intentionally installed the bottom back panel of the run "inside out" for ease of installation for the feeder/water I purchased.

The last time I emailed I stated that I wanted a refund and that I wanted them to actually publish my honest review on their website. There are 20ish reviews and all positive for a reason. They won't publish the ones that say they put out crappy coops!!

The reply from my email said that I missed the 30 day window for returns and that they could replace the parts. This is a joke because it would be of no benefit to do so because the whole things is soft and falling apart!

Our coop budget is spent and I'm sad that we are stuck with this coop. We've only had chickens in it for about a month now so I can only imagine what it will be like in a year. Spread the word because ChickenCoopsNW certainly does not want you or anyone to know the truth about their kits!! Don't waste your money too!!

Unfortunately most prefab coops are impractical, poorly constructed, and very expensive. It's cheaper to construct your own or to convert a storage shed.
:goodpost:@ Creek_Crazin ess :welcome Glad you joined sorry you got took .:hit there are other venues to rate this products . Do a BYC review . Just click on reviews and write one and rate the product .You'll reach more members and first timers there .Also find any place on line they advertise. Rate the product there . Anywhere you can rate the product do it . Also see if there are BBB rated. If so file a complaint there . If they are in your state take them to small claims court . They are advertising falsely .If a product doesn't do what they say it will do that is false advertising. This is the kind of thing first timers need to know I don't think the people that build them have chickens . Rabbit hutches are the same . The best light weight construction material is pressure treated fence planks and hard wire cloth . It isn't cheap to build a long lasting coop . But it's cheaper than buying one that just won't last. These companies bank on first time chicken owners and the fact that several lose interest quick. I wouldn't have one of their products. Or any other prefab for that matter .
I need to show this thread to my lovely bride. We had an intense discussion with her wanting to buy and me build. I'm halfway through the build. Got a LOT of wonderful ideas from the web wide world and this site. Enough for me to join!

Thanks to all and to the OP, I'm wishing for the best. I'm able to get free pallets and so are you. If all else fails, build a pallet coop. I'm impressed by some and others I admire the resourcefulness. Good ideas all of them. Think outside the box.

Neighbor built a simple lean to. working fine. He used pallets too.
I used my debit card but if I get a year or so out of it, I'll be happy. I bought it way long before we needed it because I knew I wanted chickens. We couldn't put it up yet because we had to rework and re-fence our old garden area. So all in all, we probably had the coop almost a year before we put it up. Hubby had to drop what he was working on to work on the run and the coop because I told him that the chickens were coming at the end of April!

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