BYC and the Northeast Regional Chickenstock in TIME Magazine

OMG I LOVE that picture and didn't realize they were your daughters. OMG OMG. They look so evil, just like little girls and big girls are.

It's good they didn't smile. That's such a great shot!!!

To make it even better I just realized that was one of my quotes used for that picture. I've got such a permasmile right now.

My mom has been showing off the article to all her friends. "Look, my idiot son got quoted in Time"
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OMG I LOVE that picture and didn't realize they were your daughters. OMG OMG. They look so evil, just like little girls and big girls are.

It's good they didn't smile. That's such a great shot!!!

To make it even better I just realized that was one of my quotes used for that picture. I've got such a permasmile right now.

My mom has been showing off the article to all her friends. "Look, my idiot son got quoted in Time"


Yes.. those are my little "beauties"
My family is LOVING those pics on Facebook.. No one takes my "chicken hobby" seriously
I love the Time article and photos and videos. Amazing!
I have 6 chickens, supposedly all hens, t ho' one of my two "sex link" chicks appears to be a male, 6 weeks old, totally different coloring than the sister.
I live on a residential one untit, low density lot in the County of Sonoma, California. There were easily over a hundred chickens running around the neighborhood when we built our house here in the unincorporated town of El Verano in 1984. Chickens came into our yard, I fed them, eventually converting a shed to a hen house and they had the run of the yard and beyond. I learned the hard way that they need shelter at night. I lost setting hens to raccoons, a heart breaking experience. Eventually I was able to get most of the hens into the hen house at night, and closed the doors to keep them safe. The roosters and some of the other hens slept in the trees.
At the time of my getting a notice from the Permit and Resource Management Department for the Counthy, I had 14 chickens.
A neighbor had complained that I was raising chickens, and according to the Codes it was not on the list of what animals you could have on a lot like mine. It didn't say you couldn't have chickens.
Some friends wrote letters to the Editor of the local paper. I contacted the County Supervisor Valerie Brown. Got a call from the paper, could they come out and do an article. They sent out one of their writers and she wrote a great article, also the photographer was out to take pictures, all of which was on the front page in color; "Which comes first, the Chicken or the Code?"

I got anothe notice which obviously was a mistake, and upon notifying the Code enforcement officer, he said he would like to come out ( on the prompting of some other friends of mine who wanted to know why I couldn't have chickens). These were influential folks from the town of Sonoma. The Officer insisted I wasn't allowed to have chickens but would give me an extension on the time he had given me to get rid of them.

I couldn't even think of not having my chickens, they were and are, my pets, besides the benefit of getting fresh eggs. I took a petition around all over town and got many, many signatures, 99% stating the chickens didn't bother them, or questioning why in this chicken neighorhood could I not have chickens, and stating that I should be allowed to keep them. Only that ONE neighbor who hadn't even lived here long, was complaining about all the things I was causing with my chickens.

The Editor of the newspaper took on my cause and from there on things started looking better for me and my chickens. He also contacted the Supervisor and then she decided why can't a person have chickens for pets other people have cats and dogs etc. So she took it to the Board and an ammendment was written up and published online that a person in a residential unit, one unit low density was allowed to have 6 hens, no roosters.
Another front page story this time by the editor him self with more color pictures, "Chickens can Stay".

So I did have to get rid of my roosters which I was very fond of they were not mean, they were friendly and nice to the hens and that was a sad day, finding good homes for them.

( that was about 2 1/2 years ago, the neighbor put up a for sale sign about 3 weeks ago, and apparently has moved out). But, now, people are happily getting their own backyard chickens, all around me. This ammentment covers the whole County of Sonoma. Also, the City of Sonoma allows chickens on residential lots over 6500 Sq uare feet, also rabbits. They allow even more chickens per lot. But I am happy to have what I have, very thankful to all the people that helped me in this experience.

The answer to getting a chicken ordinance in place is to get the word out and seek the people who have the influence and interest in helping you out. Don't take no for an answer.

Another Chicken Lady:)

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