Announcement BYC Android Mobile App - BETA



BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
We've got the first version of the BYC Mobiel App ready for testing:

You'll notice that this first version is basically the same experience you'll have on the browser version of BYC. We hope to add additional features like "push notifications" etc.

Please help us bug-test this BETA version. Reply here with any feedback, problems, etc.

WHEN REPORTING PROBLEMS, we need you to include:
  1. Exact detailed steps you took so we can duplicate the problem exactly the same way
  2. The type of device you're on (iPhone 5c, Samsung Galaxy S8+, etc.)
  3. Screenshots if applicable (errors, etc.)
Thanks and have fun!

(oh, and if you're inclined to give BYC a 5-star review, that would be EXCELLENT!) :thumbsup
I'm not sure if I will keep it only because it's extra space on the phone when it's just as easy to go on the browser even though I'm sure it barely takes up any space) BUT I am downloading it just to help you guys test it out :)

And so far I LOVE it. It looks great!

I might keep it after all hah

Anyway, I am on a Samsung Galaxy S6.
Okay so far the only "problem" I have is this little spinny wheel following me around the app

But it could just maybe be trying to load all the pictures and everything? I will keep the app open a while and see if it goes away.

But if that's the only problem you're doing well. :)

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