BYC Buddies FitBit Group

How is everyone doing tonight? What's everybody doing?
i’ve stayed up way too late.....been deleting people from my facebook and need to charge my fitbit!! after work we cleaned my pond filters, fed the birds, and I weeded 1/3 of the garden while DH cooked dinner.
Wow that's alot
Wasn’t nearly enough.....we still didn’t get the shed reorganized and the kayaks and truck unloaded so hopefully will get that done tomorrow evening......but I did get a picture of my pond flowers!!!! I swear it was a single flower when I planted it last year!!!
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i’ve stayed up way too late.....been deleting people from my facebook and need to charge my fitbit!! after work we cleaned my pond filters, fed the birds, and I weeded 1/3 of the garden while DH cooked dinner.
I think I need to clean my filter. It doesn’t seem to be clarifying like it should. :barnie

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