BYC Café

I got a heated water bowl back in December and I love it except I forgot that I recently unplugged it a few days ago when it was above freezing, thinking that the heat might breed bacteria, and forgot to plug it back in and it snowed today so it froze/turned into a frozen slush and ice on the sides so the poor chickens had no water. :/ they didn't come out like at all today anyway though and they did have snow to eat but whoops.... I was also at class all day so couldn't fix it or notice. But anyway, plugged back in and fixed now. I forgot to bring a paper towel or even gloves out with me though so didn't totally clean the bowl, some sediment left in it, but got most of it out by rinsing with water. And refilled bowl.

It wad like slush with one opening in the slush down to bare bowl and dirt? I also noticed little birds in amd out of the run all day today (well, morning and when I got back) and they kept landing on their tree branch perch, the fence, etc. So I wonder if they made that hole and were using the water???

But anyway, plugged back in now and I'm gonna leave it plugged it.

And maybe get the wild birds another source of water and food.

And I still had class today despite the snow. :/
Well, I wish we hadnt still had class lol but they both got shortened so it was okay! And I went to Subway before my other one with my longer time lol

And then tonight I took Gator for a walk. A long one too, longer than we uusally do. And trained him a tiny bit. And yesterday I played with him a while and trained him a while. Including new stuff. So it was challenging to him and involved thinking. I think it wore him out ha

Which is good for both of us.
Chocolate Bread pudding Served.jpg

Have some chocolate Bread Pudding!
I think I mentioned it but it snowed last night. And on the walk I walked through the snow for a bit of it cause Gator likes to sniff/mark along the trees/woods but also when cars came along, etc. And boy let me tell ya, walking through snow is harder than it looks!! And more tiring. Especially when you also go on a way longer walk than usual and go up a giant hill on the way back.

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