BYC Café

Probably one, they have quite a lot of meat on the breasts.
But i admit i have never eaten one.
I used to hunt valley quail here. They are a lot smaller then the Cots. I would make stew out of them--Took at least 9 to make a good stew
I've heard that duck eggs are better for baking than chicken.

yeah, everyone says that.

We did a brownie test (used same recipe x2 once with chicken eggs and once with duck eggs)

We even took samples around the neighborhood to see what people liked better. (and we didn't tell then which was which until after they voted)

If they could tell a difference, they always said duck was best. Some people were just "brownie good, eat brownie" and could tell no difference.
Hello everyone, i came in for lunch and a cooling break. Steamy humid out there after the rain. Built a divider for the bunny run, installed it. Built a feeder holder for Panther, she likes to toss out her bunny feed!
After lunch i need to blend sand into the soil and plant some of my 110 strawberry plants!:th
Hello everyone, i came in for lunch and a cooling break. Steamy humid out there after the rain. Built a divider for the bunny run, installed it. Built a feeder holder for Panther, she likes to toss out her bunny feed!
After lunch i need to blend sand into the soil and plant some of my 110 strawberry plants!:th
Are you starting a strawberry stand?

That is a lot of work!
Send me some Al, i bet i could tell. How are you feeling today?

A tiny bit better simply because I slept more than 4 hours last night. Spouse came to bed last night and heard me coughing up my lungs, and asked if I had taken any drugs (BTW I pulled a groin muscle coughing. A first for me. Felt like stabbing a knife into me last night when I coughed. A bit better this morning.) I said for some reason it hadn't dawned on me to take drugs... I was handed a medicine cup full of something. .. I was good and drank it all down. And guess what... I SLEPT!

Clearly I fail at caring for myself. :confused:
Are you starting a strawberry stand?

That is a lot of work!
Sigh, i ordered 55 plants. They kept saying the plants were shipped but no tracking number so likely they lied. Anyway, about 4-5 days ago 55 strawberry plants and 3 raspberry starts showed up. This morning we got another delivery of the same thing! Hubby brought up 2 Mule loads of sand for me to mix in the clay soil with manure. I have my work cut out for me.
Sigh, i ordered 55 plants. They kept saying the plants were shipped but no tracking number so likely they lied. Anyway, about 4-5 days ago 55 strawberry plants and 3 raspberry starts showed up. This morning we got another delivery of the same thing! Hubby brought up 2 Mule loads of sand for me to mix in the clay soil with manure. I have my work cut out for me.

Sucks that the delivery was messed up....but I wouldn't mind the result! (assuming you weren't charged for the second order of course)
I'm completely paralyzed over getting perennial fruits because I'm just not sure the best place to put them

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