BYC Café

Morning Cafe

Brewed a fresh pot of coffee, hope everyone is doing fine this sunny, cool morning!
Hey Shad, wait a minute, hey Shad....darn he's already left...I needed him to pick me up some things too! Now, I have to go into town. :(

Everyone make it a great day! :celebrate
Hi Meg, glad you made your way over here! What do you have planned to do today?
Hey there, work work work today. Getting a lot of screen time trying to get spring orders done. Hard to find the motivation when it's snowing... Again.
Supposed to be nice tomorrow, so might be starting some seeds indoors!
How about yourself?
Hey there, work work work today. Getting a lot of screen time trying to get spring orders done. Hard to find the motivation when it's snowing... Again.
Supposed to be nice tomorrow, so might be starting some seeds indoors!
How about yourself?

I get it about the snow...we had more overnight but I think it will probably be gone in the next day or so.

I'm just kind of hanging out at home today. I had planned on working toward getting the golf course restaurant ready for opening but the water isn't turned on down there yet. The cold weather has delayed things so now it's kind of a waiting game.

Starting seeds for your garden sounds like fun!

I might be adopting some more ducks! A friend of the family contacted us and said their family memeber bought their daughter ducks for Easter (booooo) and they didn’t know they would get that big. He was wondering if I’d take them if they decided to get rid of them. Well y’all know me and my animal obsession, so I said yes! No idea of the breeds since I haven’t seen them but yay more ducks!

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