BYC Café

Just groceries and supplies. No biggie. Because we don't eat processed food, we have to shop for produce about 3 times a week. I don't buy more than we will use in 3 or so days.

BUT (and this is me really going off track project wise :D) I want to get some Mod Podge, craft paint, wood varnish and fabric and make some coasters.

I had these really cute glazed ceramic coasters with pine cones imprinted in them. Over the years with Dobermans and Mogwai, the holder and all but one coaster have been broken. When I was in the waiting room at the hospital I read a little craft project in a Martha Stewart Living magazine on how to make your own custom coasters from cheapo cork coasters or wood crafting discs.

When I went to buy the tightie whities for DH, I meandered through the craft section of WM and lo and behold, there were three different bolts of fabrics with chickens on them!! Not to mention lots of other very pretty fabrics which I could use to make very lightweight, waterproof, colorful coasters.

This has been a little glimpse through my brain on how I get off track with things so easily. It's not like I don't have an entire house waiting for me to finish, market and sell. So I'm going to make coasters.
This sounds right up my alley. Can't wait to see them! I have been working on ribbon roses for my table. Apparently a bit of a learning curve, but they're getting better :p
Goodmorning Debby. It doesn't seem right to me either. :) Hoping we really do warm up to the 60's. Because of scheduling conflicts today is the day my daughters and I decided to do Thanksgiving. So 60 would be nice.

Happy happy early Thanksgiving to you and your family Pert!

Gobby til you wobble
smiley turkey.gif
I cant keep up. :barnieI'm still about 90posts behind.

The next two weeks are gonna be crazy with overlapping kids stuff. Hopefully we'll have a few weeks of less craziness after the Fall semesters & volleyball season ends, but with DH in & out of town, people in town, Christmas & DD3's bday... I'm doubting it.

Speaking of volleyball we're playing the 'Mean Team' today. I'm dreading it. I'm usually that obnoxious person who smiles & blows kisses at angry people, but when my children are in the crossfire my ugly, inner Mama Bear comes out. DD3 is Team Captain today which means shes in charge of dealing with the coaches, refs, bringing snacks, etc... Shes excited about it & I hope the hateful parents on the other team don't ruin it for her. :fl
I cant keep up. :barnieI'm still about 90posts behind.

The next two weeks are gonna be crazy with overlapping kids stuff. Hopefully we'll have a few weeks of less craziness after the Fall semesters & volleyball season ends, but with DH in & out of town, people in town, Christmas & DD3's bday... I'm doubting it.

Speaking of volleyball we're playing the 'Mean Team' today. I'm dreading it. I'm usually that obnoxious person who smiles & blows kisses at angry people, but when my children are in the crossfire my ugly, inner Mama Bear comes out. DD3 is Team Captain today which means shes in charge of dealing with the coaches, refs, bringing snacks, etc... Shes excited about it & I hope the hateful parents on the other team don't ruin it for her. :fl
Hello Roomy. I thought you had crashed that broomstick again.:p:lol:
Yesterday, Chip was caught dragging his screaming sister around by the head trying to mount her. There was no one around to put the run on him so I did.
Later he got ahold of one of the pullets who screamed and Fabio came up and made him get off her but did not run him off. He just herded him then the pullet. Apparently his genetic offspring are more tolerated than Captain.
Barb's kids are 17 weeks old now.
Chip has to go. He has been chasing after and been chased by several pullets. He's making nuisance of himself. I'm partial to his brother, Sargeant, and was thinking about keeping him. I really shouldn't though.
I took some new pics of Chip and posted him to CL. Someone texted this morning and wants him for their flock of 10 hens. They are coming tomorrow morning to pick him up.
About 2 hours later I got another call for Chip. This new person also wants a male for their 12 pullets. I told him he could have Sergeant but not until his pullets get older. They are only 12 weeks old. He is coming to meet Sergeant after Thanksgiving.
I'm happy both of these boys have a chance to have their own flocks and quit frankly stunned that I found both of them homes so quickly.
I'm not ready to eat the cockerels hatched here.

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