BYC Café

I want this tree down.

It's a big, messy, tall pine that has dropped a few large branches over the years. It could reach the house of it fell that way.
The first person I called was the guy that took out 2 pines larger than this one, two oaks about 15" in diameter, 2 smaller spruces & ground out about 20 stumps at my dad's house in 2020. All for $3,300.
He quoted me $1,600 to drop it and remove it but leave the stump and $800 to just drop it. I said I was getting more estimates. I'll get back to you. It seemed high to me.
I had 2 different guys come out and said it was too big for them to take down.
Another guy came out last week and said he'd drop it for 3.
I said $300?
He said $3,000! :eek::lau
I said, have a nice day.

I talked to the neighbor across the street who had the ash trees dropped and asked how much she paid.
She saif, nothing. He's my nephew.
I asked if he could drop the pine. She got ahold of him and he came over tonight to take a look.
No problem, he said.
How much?
How about $400?
When can you do it?
This Saturday afternoon?
See you then.

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