BYC Café

DH estimated 15x40 feet when I just asked him. I just looked up what snow weighs, and of course it depends on how wet the snow is. But if it's "average," then it's about 15 lbs per cubic foot. We have had 8-12" of snow up there, so enough to need to be shoveled.
Must run the full length of the house...more than just a smaller gable?
Jeez, Penny! Brownie deprived are you?!
Yup so made million dollar fudge.
1961 Wisconsin Dakota county cookbook Grandma left it to me.
5 cups white sugar
1 tall can evaporated milk, google asked 16 ounces was the big cans.
1 lb. bar of milk chocolate
2 pkgs of chocolate chips
2 cups of nuts
1 tbsp Vanilla
1 pint of marshmallow cream
2 tbsp of butter
Boil the sugar milk together timing it 10 minutes from the time it boils.
stir constantly
Remove from fire add chocolate and chocolate chip also marshmallow cream, vallina and butter. Beat until consistency of fudge pour into prepared pan.
Cool in refrigerator.
Yup so made million dollar fudge.
1961 Wisconsin Dakota county cookbook Grandma left it to me.
5 cups white sugar
1 tall can evaporated milk, google asked 16 ounces was the big cans.
1 lb. bar of milk chocolate
2 pkgs of chocolate chips
2 cups of nuts
1 tbsp Vanilla
1 pint of marshmallow cream
2 tbsp of butter
Boil the sugar milk together timing it 10 minutes from the time it boils.
stir constantly
Remove from fire add chocolate and chocolate chip also marshmallow cream, vallina and butter. Beat until consistency of fudge pour into prepared pan.
Cool in refrigerator.
Yow! That's about as non-Paleo as you can get. Bet it tastes great!
Don't know if she'll be there all night with those boys but she sure is a good mother.

I booted them out of a nest box then had to stand guard to help her keep the spot until her neighbors settled down.
She's molting so no tail and some missing primaries. She put her wings over them to settle them. They were really peeping nervously.

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