BYC Café

Made a pie crust lemon pie filling. 20230529_133944.jpg 20230529_134056.jpg 20230529_140531.jpg
Thank you everyone for the condolences. It's been a hellish few weeks for me.

DH is still in the hospital. I need to know what the plan is to get him out of his bed, out of the hospital and where he will go. He's too far declined to go back to the Hearth. He is noticeably worse now than before this all happened and he isn't going to fully recover from it. He's going to get worse still when he's moved to a skilled nursing home.

And now, being the executor of my mother's will, I have all that to deal with. The very first step is getting her cat rehomed. And evicting the psycho that tormented her for years.
I also brewed coffee and actually want some this morning.

Jody and Astrid had another fight in the ward but this time broke one of Astrid's eggs.

Wren was the first out this morning. Wren is Astrid's lone hatch from 2 years ago and now Fabio's second youngest daughter. She came out first this morning and after I came back with the filled water reservoir, she proceeded to jump up onto one of the roosts in the run and attempt to crow, wing flaps and all. It was pathetic and funny as hell! If it weren't for my animals' antics I would have crawled into a hole and died by now.
Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee 💕

Sending thoughts your way DL! May you animals' antics pull you through these dark days. I know I'm far, but please let me know if there is anything I can do.

The skies are smoky here today. Fire didn't grow at all yesterday thank goodness. It's still considered out of control and 0% contained. We need rain badly! The official report is that a minimum of 200 houses are gone or severely damaged. Many people were at the beach or parks (most within a 15-20 minute drive) and couldn't get home to rescue their pets in time, the fires spread that quickly 😥 Just devastating. The community is pulling together in true maritime fashion and there were lots of animals rescued from within the evacuation zone yesterday. It's a miracle that there are no human fatalities or injuries. Evacuation is expected to last for a while yet, just to keep people out of the area incase conditions change.
Good morning and thanks for the coffee!
Hugs and more hugs, DL.
Orca, stay safe! I wish I could move some of this rain your way. We have the smoke from the western side but we have even more rain coming in for the next few days and it was 37F on my porch last night.
Bull elk in the meadows and the sun is shining atm! Time to get moving
I think Skittles is in kidney failure. Two days in a row he wasn't able to hold his bladder for even 4 hours and peed on the runner rug in my kitchen. And every day for at least the last 5 days he drinks so much water that he makes himself vomit. And he's eating a lot of grass. These are all signs of kidney failure.
The last two years that he's had his annual blood work done his kidneys were showing signs of increasing stress. He's been on lasix, benazepril, and Pimobendan for his bad heart and congestive heart failure. I'm sure that's taking its toll on his kidneys now.
I haven't had his blood work done yet this year but I don't think I need to bother with it. Seems he's in an all fired rush to get up there with my parents.

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