BYC Café

Good morning and thanks for the coffee!
I am glad that Piper is home and doing well!
We really did have snow flurries last evening and some serious breezes. I hope more trees did not come down. I spent 2.5 hrs cutting, limbing, and dropped one leaner, yesterday at a friend's house. There are still more to go but I cut the root balls off of the other ones so they can start drying out. Just a ridiculous amount of work...
Enjoy the day, Café and stay safe in the crazy weather! Hugs!
They tattooed next to her bellybutton.
I was just thinking about this! Wondering if they did and used the teal blue color that I've read about and where the tatt was located. Makes sense that they do it near the navel, easy to see/find.

Loverly cool morning here. Gonna get up to mid/high 80's so closed the east windows and drapes.
Wondering if they did and used the teal blue color that I've read about and where the tatt was located.
It definitely makes it easy to tell that the dog has been spayed. I seriously doubt most common folk would have the wherewithal to put a tattoo on their dog's belly just to avoid paying the higher cost to license an intact female.
Her discharge papers read that all high output spay and neuter programs apply the tattoo.

My yellow flag irises are in bloom! None of the irises bloomed last year. In fact none of the marginal plants I planted bloomed last year including my lotus. My lotus is now covered with seven coin leaves and I do believe I see the first aerial leaf coming out. Maybe I'll get a blossom out of it this year.
I seriously doubt most common folk would have the wherewithal to put a tattoo on their dog's belly just to avoid paying the higher cost to license an intact female.
I would think most would have vet papers on the spay along with rabies and other required vaccinations...but the tatt makes sense.

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