BYC Café

It is what I am allergic to.
Allergy injections are basically homeopathic therapy. (Hair of the dog that bit you sort of deal)

They start with low doses and work you up the very high doses.
That is why in the beginning they made me so sick, my body had to figure out how to deal with it.
So now my immune system has decided that Mold is an acceptable thing and when it rains and everything outside starts to rot My body says, 'eh no big deal', Whereas before It was like having the flu all the time.
The pollen injections were yellow, the mold injections are ink black (creepy, creepy, creepy)
and the dust mite ones are clear.
I have had injections of one type or another for almost 18 years.
At least I am not allergic to dogs. The cat I was allergic to, and when she passed on we closed our doors to cats.
Thanks, Berts - morning folks.
It looks like a big ink smudge from a poorly printed news paper.
A gloomy gus cloud -It is about as big as a man's fist now.
If I have to do this one for 18 years It is not going to end up pretty.

..And they cost me $50 a pop. (Good thing I have insurance)
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Good Morning, time to bake the cookies! The bait shop has requested Oatmeal and I have some samples of French Sables to bring in.

Hope the mold injections work, it sounds like something out of one of those creepy "future" movies; or a bad 60's horror movie! Then again, I could never understand all the people rushing to have Botox injections, sheesh, it's a toxin, why would you want that in your body....

Hopefully the weather will turn and those wildfires will be put out. What's bad for Canada winds up affecting us somehow, either with migrating wildlife, or the smoke from the fires. And here in the UP we have had some pretty horrific wildfires in years past; the damage is still visible. I'm sure Phil remembers the big one in the central UP; closed the highway, burned thousands of acres...

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