BYC Café

Y'all have given me hope. I had 3 Serama hens go broody within about a week of each other. Dumb things kept happening, like other hens laying in the nests of the broodies, eggs getting destroyed or just bumped out of the nest, an entire clutch that evidently were infertile . . . :barnie

Anyway, lots of fussing and rearranging (and endless humming of "The Broody Song") later, I have 2 hens with one chick each, and the third just had two hatch this morning. These are tiny little hens (weighing less than a pound each); their chicks are minuscule. Even though these particular hens haven't lived together, I would love to build a run where they can raise their families together, though since even some lizards around here could eat the chicks, I'd have to use fairly small wire to keep them safe. How much space do you think I'd need to give them?

I don't know how big but hardware cloth would keep everything out at 1/4". But no one in Al. can find any.
Good morning Cafe.
Thanks for the coffee Shad.
Off to brave the supermarket this morning.
I notice 2 vapour trails streaking across the sky this morning :(; I have enjoyed their absence these last 6 weeks.
It's been great hasn't it. One doesn't realise just how much noise they make until they're gone and then one flies overhead.

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