BYC Café

Had enough time tonight to take Bells out for a run. She was nice enough to stop running for 2 seconds and sit in front of the phlox for me.
I have one broody, "missing" hen, and a big yard with many hiding places. In this heat, with no water near, I hope she gets out to drink. Or I will find one dead chicken someday! :fl chicks aren't worth losing her over.:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy
No, She didn't come back in at chicken check. They all are in the barn/coop, but her. :hit :fl
Oh my goodness, that is a beautiful picture and a beautiful girl!
She has a bit of a nutso expression on her face. I'm sure she was thinking "Would you just look at all that ground I still have to cover. I have to GOOOOOO!" That girl just runs for the love of running. Very Doberman.

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