BYC Café

Good afternoon, Cafe! A fresh pot is on the table.

I've got 10 cockerels that gots-ta-go :th(for all of the grammar talk going on :lol:)They're on the project list for this weekend. I'm not sure why I let them get so big and chaotic. I suppose because I just don't like the killing part. It's kind of hard on my heart...and my head...and now my hands :confused: Has to be done, though! Ugh.

@Sally PB That snowman is such a cute idea! I love that you put edibles as his features!

I try not to be indignant about grammar snaffus, but it's ingrained in me. Mom used to sit in her chair and read the dictionary like one would read a book. My husband hates my grammar/word-use corrections and also hates to play Scrabble with me! Not that I don't screw up the English language now and again...

Irregardless, I try not to be too know-it-all about it. :lau
Un. Thaw. Kills me :lau

My uncle said "irregardless" in a sentence last time I saw him. I had to interrupt - "Oh, no. You are not going to pretend like you didn't just say that!" Now he says it almost every time I talk to him, haha. :rolleyes:
My mother calls covid “the cova”. :barnie It drives me nuts & no amount of correcting her will change it. Worst part is I get a parody of “The Copacabana” stuck in my head for hours.

At the Cova,

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