BYC Café

Now, on a more positive note, I spoke with the nurse today and DH is acting much better. He is no longer lashing out but I haven't seen him yet so I bet he is just floating off in La La land because of the anti-psychotic meds. But at least he is in the happy room of La La land and not the angry room.
I may go up today to see him. I don't know if I have it in me.

And we have a poor air quality advisory now because of the smoke from the Canada fires. I've never seen anything like this. And it stinks out there.
My BIL called me this morning to go over talking points. He is the level headed one that doesn't get as upset as the rest of us at CS craziness. Now she seems to have it stuck in her head that my good sister (to be henceforth known as GS) and I are CO-executors. Can you imagine what kind of friggin' nightmare THAT would be in almost any Estate? No. She is the alternate in the event I am either unwilling or unable to perform my legal duties as executor. Try again, idiot.

GS and her daughter picked up Breton, mom's cat, to transport her to her new adopter this morning. That is one great thing that happened today. The cat is at least out of this mess and on with her new life.

And her 1/3 after 2 years will be significantly smaller because I will use funds from the Estate to pay the legal fees AND she will be responsible for the rent for the house AND all of it's services (water/sewer, NYSEG, garbage/recycling, internet and cable).
I really hated dealing with the mess after Mom died, since my CB was involved. He didn't even attend the funeral.
My mother was the executer for her parents (my grandparents) and I had this absolutely crazy cousin who thought she deserved it all. She had plans of running a B&B on the property. She dragged it out for years and everyone got far less because of it (including her). Before my grandmother's death she had also excommunicated EVERYONE in the family. Caused my mother an insane amount of grief. We figure she has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder - it's seriously the only possible explanation.

I sure wish there were less crazy people in the world...
My mother was the executer for her parents (my grandparents) and I had this absolutely crazy cousin who thought she deserved it all. She had plans of running a B&B on the property. She dragged it out for years and everyone got far less because of it (including her). Before my grandmother's death she had also excommunicated EVERYONE in the family. Caused my mother an insane amount of grief. We figure she has some sort of narcissistic personality disorder - it's seriously the only possible explanation.

I sure wish there were less crazy people in the world...
It's called the dark triad personality disorder. If you look it up you'll see a picture of my sister!:lol:

My sister obviously also thinks she's entitled to more than her fair share. But where I've got her between a rock and a hard spot is she's been living off my mother and doesn't have any money to fight with. I have all the time in the world and she doesn't.

And remember how my mother was completely poisoned by her filling her head with lies and fabrications for years so that she wouldn't have anything to do with me. My mother was stolen from me for 2 1/2 years. That is something I can never forgive.
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Why do we all have one of those relatives? I was executor on my mother's will. She changed that once she moved into an assisted living facility and no longer needed my sister for necessities. (They were in Florida.} Thing is she didn't tell my sister, and the stuff hit the fan when we went to the lawyer for the reading of the will. Everything was split equally, and I did not take an executor's fee. The day we buried Mom she made such a scene that I was forever done with her. I've seen her twice since then. Once at my BIL's funeral and then when one of her sons got married. Bottom line is you cannot lose what you never really had.
I got lucky, my sister handled all my parents stuff as she lived near them and as a forensic accountant had the head and skills for it all....and I just found out this last spring that my brother changed his executor to his son instead of my sister and I(whew).

The nice cool weather continued today, cloudy with a bit of a sprinkle this afternoon.
The Canadian smoke spread stops just east of me, so far.
Good morning, Cafe!

Grab a cup and enjoy the day



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