BYC Café

I never had pea vines grow so long! Some of them are 5 feet tall! Higher bed fencing next year! I ate a few peas. I think in about a week, they will be ready to pick. The beans are also starting to produce too, but it will be a while longer before those are ready to pick. I planted more tomato plants, in a very sunny spot. And pulled a bunch more weeds.
Got 2 foot high rabbit fence all the way around the flower garden. Danged animals are eating plants i have not even put in the ground yet! It needs to stop!
I would have liked to plant white beans but they haven't arrived from Catalonia yet. I'm not sure they would get enough sun here but it's worth a try. Next year perhaps.
I've got some fill ins such as garlic and rocket to sow between the onions and potatoes. I meant to get them in today but forgot to take what I needed to build a frame to keep the chickens and crows off them while they get established.
I would have liked to plant white beans but they haven't arrived from Catalonia yet. I'm not sure they would get enough sun here but it's worth a try. Next year perhaps.
I've got some fill ins such as garlic and rocket to sow between the onions and potatoes. I meant to get them in today but forgot to take what I needed to build a frame to keep the chickens and crows off them while they get established.
My garden is finally starting to take off. I lost ground because of the two late frosts and now we are in a drought. But I'll still get a good harvest.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

I reached under Astrid last night to pull out her eggs to candle. Another is gone. Down from 8 to 5 because of broodies fighting in the ward.

When the pile of eggs was laying next to the wet nest Jody was ogling them like diamonds. She reached over to try to steal one to tuck under herself. I shoved her and her chick out the ward door and closed it. I will have to manage Astrid's breaks until I go back to work in a week.

I think only 2 or 3 of the remaining eggs are developing. I need to find another flock nearby with fertile eggs that doesn't have any Silkies, frizzles, bantams or Polish in it. No offense to anyone having these breeds, I just don't want them or mixes of them in my flock. I will let MacKenzie set next if she goes broody later in the year. Right now, she's still simmering in the clink.
Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL!

On the way back to Halifax. Picked some flowers this morning to take along. Sky was beautiful after the downpour.

Yesterday we got a good truck bed full of aged cow manure from a local farmer. I planted the second raised bed of dahlias and put some more plants outside (eviction time for frost sensitive plants!). Just the last bed of dahlia, bush/pole beans, squash, and cucumbers left for the next time I’m up.


Walked out to do chores yesterday morning and spooked a ground hog away from house to toddle off into the woods. SMH.
This morning looked out and saw a raccoon moseying on the coop path towards the house(and probably the pondsai for a drink) I yelled and it moseyed back towards the coop.
Am really glad I built a fort knox.
We are dry here still since like early May
Similar here. MIGHT get some rain this week but so far nothing but some smoke in the air from the Quebec fires. They didn't need to share.

She could have over half of her inheritance before the end of the month because I would retract my contest on the second annuity and submit the death certificate so it could be distributed.
Half of her 1/3 now or all of her 1/3rd in 2 years and maybe being brought up on elder abuse charges. Shouldn't be too hard a decision. But then she isn't mentally stable, hopefully she will see the logic.
Hopefully she realizes that money now rather than in 2 years is her best bet.
Will get her out of that house and your hair. :fl :fl :fl
My BIL called me this morning to go over talking points. He is the level headed one that doesn't get as upset as the rest of us at CS craziness. Now she seems to have it stuck in her head that my good sister (to be henceforth known as GS) and I are CO-executors. Can you imagine what kind of friggin' nightmare THAT would be in almost any Estate? No. She is the alternate in the event I am either unwilling or unable to perform my legal duties as executor. Try again, idiot.

GS and her daughter picked up Breton, mom's cat, to transport her to her new adopter this morning. That is one great thing that happened today. The cat is at least out of this mess and on with her new life.
Similar here. MIGHT get some rain this week but so far nothing but some smoke in the air from the Quebec fires. They didn't need to share.

Half of her 1/3 now or all of her 1/3rd in 2 years and maybe being brought up on elder abuse charges. Shouldn't be too hard a decision. But then she isn't mentally stable, hopefully she will see the logic.
And her 1/3 after 2 years will be significantly smaller because I will use funds from the Estate to pay the legal fees AND she will be responsible for the rent for the house AND all of it's services (water/sewer, NYSEG, garbage/recycling, internet and cable).

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