BYC Café

Good afternoon Café!

I brought a fresh pot to share as I am sitting here recovering from shoveling and distributing some 1400 pounds of rough sand for the chickens. 🤪

It is really hard work not to decapitate the excited fluffy helpers as they all want to be the first to dig in.

Luckily, the temperatures have decreased and with overcast skies the work can get done without risking heatstroke.

All the framework for the raised bed is done and right after my coffee break I will start to fill it.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.
Today is going to be a very busy day to get the place ready to mulch. I have to build up the berm a little more, finish hand weeding, spray veg killer to get what I missed or where I need a full kill (like along the poultry netting), pressure wash the house and mow/weed whack everywhere. I am getting help for the 'shoveling of material for the berm' part.
It's a nice sunny day. I think I'll run the dogs before I go to the last yoga class this morning.
I know you want to keep busy but that sounds like an awful lot for one day!
Actually, just reading your post made me want to sit down for a bit.
I've got the first load in the backyard and my nephew is on his way over to help me unload. I don't actually plan on getting it all done just today. Today and tomorrow.
And I'll also get help for spreading the mulch. So far my family has been helping me quite a bit. It wouldn't be able to get this done without their help.

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