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Good morning all! SE! Your graphics have me still giggling! And Scoot, I love the way yours tell stories.

I *do* need more chickens...I think we will be hatching/brooding some this winter for a fresh batch. My girls are doing much better, but getting them healthy over the winter scares me...but it scares me more that I won't have enough eggs for demand. I mean 6 dozen Tuesday, 5 yesterday. I am staying away from the cart today, because I had one lady tell me she was going to tell all her friends, and I told her I would be there on Friday.

I hope everyone gets out of their fall funks. I must admit, despite all my whining, I am actually feeling pretty good. I just have to adjust to the different things going on all of a sudden in my life. Tiring!

So, today is a "Me Day". I am going to do whatever I want.
right now that looks like catching up on lost hooking time.

Thanks to everyone!! Medicare wants to take MIL off of her services, little though they are, and I think it is because she lives with us' and they think I should be able to do it all since I don't "work". Then I think if I did have a job, they would say we should be able to pay a private service!! Between a rock and a hard place.....

Then DH had called, and wanted me to go with him to pick up my transmission, get his new truck, take the tranny pieces to the guy who is going to redo it, and when I didn't sound thrilled to ride in the truck ALL DAY LONG(about a 300 mile round trip), he said, well do you have PLANS??? As if taking care of 20 horses, 200 chickens, 3 dogs, 3 cats, and HIS mother is worth nothing. That is why I think at least if I got paid by someone else for a bit of work, I would feel better. I certainly don't need all these animals, anyway.....

Risu, I am glad your eggs sales are working out! Don't stress about putting up a "sold out" sign, it will create more demand, and the price will go up!! You get more for your eggs than I do anyway!! I can only seem to get $3, but I sell them to the health food store in town for $2.50, so she can sell them for $4.

You all have great day!

Okay I thought you might be interested to see the different styles I have tried so far in sunflowers and this is what I have so far. Some of them do not have the sunny colors yet but they will. Some of the light ones I had to set on top of another square to be able to see them so they look kinda weird but they really are square. But this is what I have and I still have a lot more patterns to try yet so I will keep you posted.





They look a little crazy but they really are square and they will all be the sunny color when I am done with them. If any one wants the sunny pattern that I posted yesterday, talk to Karanleaf. She is the one to thank for that beauty! Trudy
I know how you feel, Nancy, if I didn't have this egg thing going, I would think that I was starting to get pretty useless. I hate to clean, and before the chickens, I had a lot of time on my hands, but would I clean? *shudder... I am still working on managing my time better.

I admire how you seem to have it under control. And
we are worth it. I much prefer making "home" than working for someone else where ultimately I ended up feeling even more useless, because even though family can get ungrateful, eventually they come around, where bosses and coworkers....pfft....not in my experience...hope you outside workers out there have better ones!

Still, making home has a lot of worries and maybe someday someone "out there" will realize the Work that it is.

Well, you are all important to me, cause you help me keep my sanity!

Nancy, how do you sell to the food stores? What kind of permits did you need? Of course you have a ton of chickens compared to me...

Ummm. I lost my train of thought (SE or Scoot got a thought train graphic?) So, I guess I will go hook. Hang in there All! Oh and Trudy, your squares have me breathless. Such gorgeous colors!
of course the Queen has a pic!!1 LOL you doubt me my humble hooker servant??!! now BOW to the Queen!! LOL

have a wonderful day rocket!!

Lovemychick...I like them all! Very pretty.

Greentree...I don't know how old MIL is, but there are ways around medicare. I know from my dad dealing with both my grandmothers & I deal with them from time to time on me & hubby. No I am not that old to get the "senior" medicare, but I & hubby are both disabled. They have tried to pull a couple of slick ones on us, even the social security office. They said my husband had a over payment the first time he was on it, to the sum of $3000.00!
To make a long story short it was their screw up & he didn't have to pay it. I don't know how long your MIl has been dealing with them, but they love to send letters to scare you. They did that number with my stepmom...didn't work. Sometimes it is in the paperwork that the doctor fills out. About 15 years ago my sister was in a real bad car accident with my kids. She was in intensive care for over a month, paralized from the neck down. The doctor put in the paperwork, that she was standing & sitting up in the chair. So they were going to denie my sister medicare & mediciad. Problem is he didn't bother saying she was standing up in a device that was like a table, they strapped her in & then stood the table up or that she was sitting up in a chair by the help of a hoyer lift & was reclined back. Anyway, enough of my disbaled family talk
. I just thought I would mention all this so if you want to talk, I may be able to help some if it is something I know about. Not to mention that you can get paid from the state to take care of your mom....oh boy am I talking to MUCH

You know I wondered how much everybody got for eggs. The lady that comes here with fresh eggs sales for $1.50 a dozen & I thought that was high, then I heard $4.00 on here & almost choked!
That isn't any higher than the eggs in the store here though.

Don't worry about the teens about to move out, they always return
...When our first daughter moved out I just cried for a couple days. When our son was ready to go he got a little push, it was that or I was going to choke him,
then when our youngest left, I was ok little sad. Had more time to do for hubby of course. Had some time for me! Then the youngest daughter moved back in
Now they are all grown, 2 are married (3rd almost), & have kids of thier own. And let me tell you in the 7 years of being gramma, this is the best!!

Alright have bored you all enough, take care & have a good day
Trudy you have done an Out standing job,
all the squares. That will be one Beautiful Afghan

as I said before your Mom is lucky that you are making it for her.
She will love it
But if she doesn't send it to me I'll pay the postage

No Chicks Here, you are no where near boring any of us thanks for your input, I'm sure that some of your saged advice will help greenapple. I hope so because when you deal with those goverment offices you always end up dealing with some office that doesn't know what another office is doing in another part of the country and then you get switch to other office in even another end of the country. They confuse themselves let alone the folks that have the problem in the 1st place.

ssshheesss Did that make sense???? I almost confused myself typing that.

come out
come out
where ever you are
Oh Maw where are You???

SE and Scoot you have infected Rocket

Scoot I also like the way you tell your stories with the graphics Cool

Guess what

This is my 500th Post


Now what happens???

Confetti ??? Balloons??? Sparklers??? a Cake???

I'm waitn for the ParTy

Hi all!!!
I haven't deserted y'all, my computer is still broke down. I only get to my neighbors once in
awhile to use her computer.

I hope that by the middle of Oct. I will be up and running again. I am really having BYC withdrawals!!!

I have all my squares done and have PM'd to get the address to send them to.

Hope to be able to chat again soon!

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