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Karan ----- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are now OVERRUN WITH CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!


I can't get you flowers or a cake but how about a little dance for joy?


And thanks so much for the complments, but I could not have done it with out yours and smittys help in this . Thanks Girls!

Hey gang!!!
How's it hookin?
I've missed everyone!!!!! I have many pages of reading to get caught up on here.

My husband's uncle went back to New York on Wed, so maybe I'll have a little more time to chat & hook.

I have about 11 of the sunflower squares completed, so I guess I'm about 1/3 of the way done.
I've been having fun playing around w/ the colors.

Lovemychicks (Trudy) I love your sunflowers.
They are so awesome!!!!!! Your mom is going to just love it. You'll have to share the patterns. Glad you received the pattern ok.

I am having so many flock issue. My SLW roo, Napoleon has what is called an ear cancker, so I order meds from First Vet according to Chicken Dr (Peter Brown's) advice. His ears are oosing wax a few times a week. So lovely!!!

Brownie, one of my favorite EE girls from my first original flock has bumblefoot.
Their coop is fine and roost is nice and smooth, so I have no idea how she got it. I need to look in the run and they free range in the evening, so there is no telling.

I had to clean her little feet, soak in epsom salt & pop the hard kernal pod out of her pad. There was still some cottage cheese looking infection under the pod.
I took her to my vet today just to make sure I did an ok job. She's been hanging out w/ me all day. I had no idea how common it is to get bumblefoot until I did a search. WOW!!!
All it takes is one little scratch for the staph to get in.
The mooning smiley is hilarious! You are still the queen, Scoot! And now I have a questions if ya'll don't mind...

*What is Bumblefoot? I have a hen who has a really weird bunch of lumpy things on her toes... is that it? the lumpies vary in size.*

Maw, hope you are doing OK. It sounded like the fall funk was kicking in...

Well, girls, (and guys if there are any watching or lurking) I need to catch up on some hooking. I *still* haven't gotten to do much...I keep getting distracted. So, I apologize for not catching up as much as I might with the news.

great big
for everyone....
Congratulations Karen!!!!!

No chick ~
Here's a belated welcome to the BYC Hookers Club!

I am lovin all the smilies!!!!!
Thanks everyone....they are great!

clap.gif're all finished. Your another fast hooker. Sorry about the computer problems...that can be a drag.

Who else is pokey like me?????? I think I have only 11 of mine complete.

Risurocker~ Bumbelfoot is a staph infection. It can happen so easily to chickens. All it takes is one little cut or splinter then they scratch and get dirt or poo in the wound and it gets infected. Most chickens get it from rough roost when they scoot side to side or from jumping down from their roost. If they free range they can get it just about a scrape from a rock or something.

My roost are fine, but sometimes I wonder if I have enough pine shavings to cushion their landing when they jump down. I found a broken ring on their ramp that leads to their run and a nail sticking out so that is probably the problem. :thun

Anyway~ Everyone check your chickens feet.
If they have it it will look like a round raised pod on the bottom of their pad.

Poor Brownie had to hang out w/ me all day. She was so good. She's such a mellow girl. I let her free range w/ the flock and she cooped up w/ them, but I went out and got her to give her another soak and change her dressing again.

I lied and told her she was having a chicken spa party tonight...just her & I.
I don't think she bought it, but was a really good patient. I'm letting her sleep in a dog crate in the basement on top of a nice cushy pillow.

So your hen has lumpy things????
Maybe bumblefoot or scales. Post a pic. Brownie's started out as just a round pod on the bottom of her foot, but as of yesterday she became swollen in between her toes. The swollen part reminds me of lumpy looking things.

It's late, but I may try to do a little hookin before bedtime.

Good night everyone!!!!!
Eek! Thanks Smitty...I hope mine doesn't have it really really badly...
I am not sure I can get a picture, but I will try. Mine are greedy little buggers, but I have 24 of them and while they are greedy, and like treats, I need a net to catch them.
I guess I will be off to buy tea tree oil for my chickens' feet...Mine have not ever had high roosts, until now unless they found trees - but dang, if it is what she has, it went bad fast.

I am with you and off to try and get some hookin done before bed... OH, and Smitty...I have 5 squares you are not the slowest one of us. Did I mention I keep getting distracted?

Btw, SE, you are also a queen of graphics...can we have two queens? The red and white queen or something, like in Alice and Wonderland, only neither one is evil?

Good night all...
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evening ladies sorry for the MIA the last couple a days its been really life changing round the farm and in my life here lately but I will get back to my old chipper self here shortly I hope. I tried changing my bi-polar meds from lexapro to cimbalta and boy did that throw me and my life all outa wack And I am trying to lose wait so mornings are now filled with walking with the in-laws as MIL thinks the FIL is overweight too. So me and him are being put on diets and at the same time trying to change meds is not something I would suggest anyone try. Believe Me! So starting monday I am going back to the pro which I know works and am comfortable with and will start seeing a dietiation (sp?) for the weight loss. And boy am I hooking up a storm now since I can't eat to make me feel better now when I get upset. SO instead I have now made 43 more squares in all kinds of different patterns 18 pentagons 12 very large circles, 15 dishrags, 3 pot holders, and still working on the window ghan, and in the morning I make crochet myself a straight jacket
! Sorry gals just need the vent. Oh the ups and downs of life
But thats what livings all about, just wish those sudden drops weren't so sudden and soooooo steep! I think I may need to spew after this curve, and drop. well I haven't had a chance to catch up on the last few pages but I wanted to let everyone know I am still alive. Maw
yea I finally got caught up to speed, gals all those pics of squares are wonderful. ris congarts on the egg sales, I made a sign that I can just go out and take down when I run out of eggs to sale and most of the people just pull up in the drive and honk and I can go out and get there order, and I always make my dozen up with atleast one blue/green egg from my EE hen. and they love that. Wendy the deadline to hav them shipped to me is november 1st. well greenapple and all you other homemakers pat yoursleves on the back cuz the job we do isn't just 8 to 5 its 24/7 and thats tough. so I too know where your coming from. well I promised ya'll some pics so here they are the first is of my toes and the window ghan and the other is of all ya'll boxes lined up in the dining room as the squares arrive I imediatly open them up and put one in each box makes it alot easier, well that and the fact that I have a house big enough to be able to set all 33 boxes out and leave them with out worry. I am starting to get sleepy so I will post in the morning I promise. love you gals ya'll are so great. Maw.

Holy cow Maw!!! Can I borrow a bitof that mania you get so I can hook like a mad woman too?!!! Good grief, that's a lot of hookin!!! Very organized with the boxes too and no, my house is not big enough to be able to do that, loL!! Hope you get that medication straightened out soon and your cycling slows down. If the mania is so extreme, bet the crash and burn depression is too so no wonder we haven't heard from you..get to feeling better soon!!!

Kim & Jean!!!! Thank goodness those aliens let you two go before the probing!!! I was worried about that!!! Tiki too, wonder when they will send her back?! Those aliens are so unpredictable about snatching our hookers!!!!

Scoot can be Queen Shanah, I'm cool with that. I share well!

Yes, it is around 3am...dogs woke up, husband was rambling and now I am wide awake!!! Glad I am not working today or boy would I be grouchy late, loL!!!!!

Don't know what storm is off the coast but we have had wild winds for a whole day and started with the heavy rains about evening yesterday and still raining. Will be a good day for crock pot food, cold, rainy and windy!!..well, and of course, hookin!!! Hope everyone feels great today!!
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