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hi Maw hope you feel better soon, I'll go on that diet and exercise regime with you, Dr called the other day and I have early onset diabetes.
got an appointment in 15 min to find out what all that entails, guess I better get my butt in gear.


That's me, needing to swim in my coffee this morning...It's egg cart day. I have hours now and a huge beauty of a sign.

OMG speaking of beauties! Maw!!! That afghan is glorious!
And all those boxes!

Hope you feel more balanced soon, seems like you've got the right attitude.

Hang in there Purr. Diets can do a lot for that diabetes.

Everyone's in my thoughts!

welcome back all you alien-napped hookers! I have a feeling that those aliens have a bit of a misunderstanding of that word...
Wishful thinking on their part...hopefully our gals hooked em up some ghans and those aliens were forever grateful and sent our gals home.

Now, where's that coffee?
More later from the cart!
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I'm on the edge of Type II diabetes myself. Diet and exercise really can make a big difference. Hang in there!

I haven't crocheted much. Spending too much time after my kids over their grades and poor school attitudes. Doesn't help that the oldest has been diagnosed with a thyroid problem that will last the rest of her life. About the time I get the teachers willing to work with her, she goes and cuts class, or whips out the cell phone or something and gets herself in major trouble. Luckily the ex took back the cell phone & i-pod (like I've asked him to for months), so maybe I have her attention now!
And maybe following through on threats will make the younger one see the light

And my tomato plants are in major production, so when I'm not chasing teens I'm making sauce. I did the wedding invites and used the extra $ to buy myself a fancy strainer/pulper machine from Rural King. Sure hope it works like I heard it does!!
Very cool on the sauce machine Lori!!! Shanah, you are right, that afghan beginning Maw started is really nice although those feet in the picture make me laugh everytime I look at it!!! All her toes are the same size!!! Some people have cute feet and then, like me, they have just not cute feet, lol!!! The afghan looks like really hard work!! That shaggy confetti one I did for Travis' girlfriend turned out really great but dang that thing was a pain in the butcus!!! Those hard ones are not too much fun for me, I like to watch tv and hook!!

Anyone see Survivor last night? I was so happy when that annoying jabbermouth Jillian was voted off...I swear if she had made it until next week I was not going to watch the show, lol!!!! Can you say "irritating"!!!! I'm liking old Bob though and his cute bowtie!!!! He's clever as all get out too! Hope he is the big winner this time
.......wish he was my uncle, lol!!! I could be sooooooo happy with a cool mil!!!

Well my friends, not so much housework today since I've done most of that this week, still have laundry to put away but hoping to get DH to take me to breakfast!!! Later gaters, have a great day of booming egg sales, doctor visits with good news, well behaved teens, checks in the mail, hugs from good friends (even e-hugs count) and some good hookin!!!
Loved Survivor last night!
Watched it as a family until 9pm. Kids sure were ticked at being sent to bed then, though. They weren't paying attention and didn't realize it was on for 2 hours; They were mad because I didn't let them watch next week's previews

I'll be using this as a reason they should DO WELL IN SCHOOL when I tell them what they missed last night

Hope everyone has a great day!!
I did some work on the LB CAL last night during Survivor, I like the show better when they have two challenges. one for reward, one for immunity. I am sorry that others are dealing with some of the same medical problems I am
So now we have a granny square swap/ group therapy
and support group for recently diagnosed with diabetes/pre diabetes
Maw, be careful with the meds, make sure the docs are watching your heart and sugar, mine think that all the different meds I have been on over the years is why I now have diabetes (risperdal and other meds in the same class) an irregular heart beat ( started while taking imipramine, and apparently never went away) and odd liver enzyme levels (possibly from serazone) So now I have to deal with the bipolar 2 without meds, none really work for me anyhow. Because of the weight gain from the meds and the horrible eating habits developed from being a zombie for many years, I am now caught in a catch 22. When I feel better I go out and do stuff, get hurt, go to PT, have issues just getting out of bed and dealing with everyday life, repeat cycle. Both of my DD's unfortunately picked up on my zombie eating habits and activities, I just hope they will get out of that rut before it is too late and they end up joining me in the vicious circle, one already has BP mood swings and refuses to take any meds. My endo was really nice, she said I didn't have to give up my occasional non diet Mt. Dew
, but the cardiologist told me I had to, unless it came in caffeine free
He said I had to give up all stimulants :thun Thinking about my medical problems, and everything I am supposed to be giving up is depressing me

On to a brighter note, for all the newbies out there. I have been crocheting off and on for 20+ years now, and I still manage to make funky squares.

I even counted stitches, and am not quite sure why I ended up with the bumpy edges (top and bottom of pic) Best I can figure is that some of my rows are tighter than the others
Angry hooking = tight stitches ??? I have been working on teaching Fancy the Frizzle how to crochet, I will post some pics of her work on here, but ya'll will have to go to the mascot thread to see more
I'll let ya'll know when I post them over there. Wheel of fortune is at Sea World this weekend doing tryouts for when the tape the show there in December, when we - I mean my kids and my dad as I am in PT because I screwed up my left knee and back because I was feeling better a few months ago and tried to work in the garden :thun - finish building the new chick house, we are going to go see if any of us have what it takes to be on wheel of fortune, and take Fancy out to visit Sea World.
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that's for all of you struggling with meds and stuff. I could send you all to my mom who is a naturopathic therapist and has worked many miracles. But you would all have to come to Wisconsin...

Well, I must be off... take care everyone. You are loved!
Hey Maw~ Hope you are feeling better soon. Love, Love...LOVE your afghan!!!!! Gorgeous colors.
Did I say I love your afghan!!!!! You are so organized. That's a cool pic of all 33 boxes lined up. Hope you get your meds all straighten out.
I'm worthless when my thyroid or hormone meds are out of whack.

SE~ You crack me are a crocheting machine to!
I think those aleins did probe & poke on me and took away my energy.
maybe it is the weather. I definitely have the tired! Maybe I'm anemic again, but don't have an appt to re-check that until Nov.

Risurocket~ Hope your hen is ok. Just check their legs and see if their scales are bigger or raised. Vasaline will do until you get to the store. Let me know where you can find tree oil. I'm building my chicken first aid kit and looks like lately I need to use it unfortunately.

Greenapple, purr & Maw~ I'll do the work out thing w/ yall. I try to go religiously 2 x's a week for weight training, but need to get back to doing cardio & yoga for stress releif, but don't have the energy...maybe on Mon I'll start.

greenapple, that's cool Wheel of Fortune is there. Are you going to give the wheel a whirl?
Congratulations on the completion of the chicken house. I NEED MORE COOPS!!!!!!!!
Hang in there w/ the PT and get yourself feeling better.

wegotchickens~ I'm so jealous of your new grinder. That will make life a little easier for you processing all those fresh maters & other stuff in your garden.

Well, Brownie is hanging out in the breakfast room. She's so mellow & quiet...I forget she is here.

Yea....It's friday!!!!!!
Smitty's Farm :

Risurocket~ Hope your hen is ok. Just check their legs and see if their scales are bigger or raised. Vasaline will do until you get to the store. Let me know where you can find tree oil. I'm building my chicken first aid kit and looks like lately I need to use it unfortunately.

Feel better everyone!
I love the image of Brownie hanging out in the house. I can't do that with mine yet...haha, but looks like we will be having peepers over the winter... I have to catch my old white hen with the foot issues first. But maybe I will have a house chicken too... eek! My cats are going to go wild!

Um...what was I going to say... oh yeah, tea-tree oil can be purchased at any health/natural food store and probably even walgreens by this point.

greenapple - thank you so much for posting that square. I feel so much better. I have been fretting about my edges. I think you might be right about the different tension in stitches. I know I have that too.

Off to do more egg things.... oh darn, everyone just wants tomatoes today.
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Smitty's Farm :

Well, Brownie is hanging out in the breakfast room. She's so mellow & quiet...I forget she is here.

Yea....It's friday!!!!!!

You're lucky. My DH freaks out if I even carry a chicken into the house when I get my camera. He's such a neatness freak!
Hope everyone's hens get well soon!!​
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