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Well, since I have no diagnosed disorders I will offer support and cheer on the days you all cycle through depression and I will try not to encourage excessive yarn and chicken buying when the group is manic!!! You all might want to check on the possibility of instant messaging each other or being in an email group so that your more private struggles are not here for the entire world to read..just a thought....might even be an online support group for bi-polar disorder, could google some searches. So I guess the most hooking gets done either when the meds are stabilizing or when the mania cycle occurs?....just trying to figure when I should cheerlead the most!
Take care of yourselves girls, that's an order

Got 2 more squares on my LionBrand crochet-a-long done...a huge pile of them to go though but I like working with the wool yarn, nice..not AWESOME nice like the cotton
but nice just the same.

Thanks on the spider compliments, they make super gifts with the little Legend of the Christmas Spider poem attached.

No racing this weekend, track closed, then 3 more and I beleive we are friday, saturday and a make up race tuesday..all points races....hopefully we will do well!!

Have a great day ya'll!!!!
Thanks ya'll about the squares.
Looks like in pic #1 w/ yellow edge is a big fav. Keep opinions coming.

I have 12 complete now
.......... but didn't do any last night. I did do a little hookin w/ sugar & cream yarn to try out a wash cloth pattern.

What's the diff between sugar & cream and peaches & cream??????? My Micheals doesn't carry the Peaches & Cream
only the Sugar & Cream. Neither does Hobby Lobby. I think Wally World may have a a small selection of it.

I looked for yarn to start the baby afghan for my sis's new baby, but couldn't find the colors I needed for the pattern at Michaels.

SE~ WOW!!! The spider is awesome!!!!!!!
Looks like it takes lots of patience to make it w/ those tiny beads. Who ever receives them will be very lucky. Where in the hect do you find the time for all the beautiful crafts????

Risurocket~I found some tea oil at the grocery store in the organic section.
I had to giggle to myself thinking about tree oil. Congratulations on the egg sales!!!
19 dz...WOW....that's great!!!!!!! How many chickens do you have?

Maw~ Hang in there!!!
We are here for support if you need it. house guest or soccer games this weekend!!!!!!!!!

Gotta run and do more chicken chores, but I'll check back in.
Now that Shanah is rollin in the dough, bet there will be some new yarn showin up at the rocket doorstep!!! 19 doz in one week will easy cover your feed and leave you some "egg" money!! Now that's a happy hooker!!!!!!!!

Kim, your squares are awesome girl, they knock my spider in the dust!!! You see me doing the traditional grannies...ya'll are the ones that like the tedious ones!!! I just wait till the swap is over so I get the nice ones from you all!!! hmmmmm....wonder how hard it would be for you to make sunflower hexagons....and sunflower circles...maybe even a sunflower triangle!!!!!!!! whoo hooo!!!
j/k.....well....sort of....
My new favorite coffee smiley...

Good morning fellow hookers!
Let's see if I can cover everything.
I am starting to feel like a real

However, we only have 24 chickens, right now. Those 19 dozen were with cheater eggs from the farm that we got our chickens from. We need to get more chickens. My landlord is talking about goats and guinea hens and a farmers' market in his front yard. I love all the ideas, and would love to pull off even just 2 of those.

Hang in there everyone who struggle with moods. I do have some experience with natural non-drug remedies. If anyone is interested, please PM me. They really work, but you have to be ready to make changes. You will always have my support no matter your choices.

Ummm...Scoot, need that thought train again...or maybe I just need to dunk my head in my coffee some more.

Well, I *am* going to get some hooking done today, gosh darn it. Jeesh. I sure hope I do. I am working hard to get the more complicated side projects done first.

Love ya all and I am really going to try and make something neat and special from all your squares. I have never been on a warmer more caring site. I think I cozy blanket might be the best big of a thing does 30 + squares make?

For you SE. For luck on those future races!

(smileys inspired by our queen. I am bored, so I am making smiley artwork.
oh wait. I should be hooking...oops...)
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To all of our ladies dealing with various issues right now.

Well, we went back to Dayton, TN today to get more tomatoes and apples. I also got a box of sweet potatoes. So, I will be doing lots of canning again next week!
I've also got some pears that I need to can, so I'll do those, too!

I did manage to get 1 square done on the way there and back. I was hoping to get at least 2 squares done, but I have to be careful not to get car sick on those curvy roads.

I'm getting 3 to 4 eggs a day now. I'm hoping my other girls will start laying soon. I've got 13, so they'd better get moving.

The rest of my day will be taken up with trying to get my work done so I can get some more crocheting done this evening and tomorrow after church.

OK - gotta get back to work. I'll try to check back in later on.
Choose????? Now how can we choose???? They are ALL so pretty!!!!! I like the one with the Sunflower

Hey Scrambled! I'm hosting a Christmas Spider swap over at swap-bot!
You should come join
SE I have never heard of the christmas spider story. But I do love the colors on your spider. And I have decided that I love all of the sunflower squares they will make nice pockets on my house robe.

Shanah way to sell it on those eggs Woooo Hoooo!.

well I went to town to buy more yarn to help settle the manic and it worked. YEA! I just can't decide what colors I should make the boarders on my robe. ? hummmm I guess a nice cream colored cotton would work great with all the colors.

Well Scrambled HB had another sale today so I bought out all the apple blossom colored cotten suger n cream. 19 rolls
oh it is so soft and i just love the color. it makes me think of riding my horse through the woods during spring when the dogwoods and redbuds are blooming.

WEll I think I am finally coming out of my slump and back on track with the meds and feeling great. after we got home we all sat down and went throught the yarn we got and I got the kids some nice plastic hooks and haley a book just for kids who want to learn to crochet and i must say it has some really cool patterns in it. and blaylee can turn her chain now with a little mommy help of course. and she jsut hooks right along with mommy and sissy. did some house work, work with my horse, watched some movies, and now we are working at catching a great big field mouse the size of my serama hen that has decided to make a nest under haleys dresser so the girls are right at this moment watching the live game cage trap throught a hole in the door, problem is everytime they see it stick its head up they go running throught the house screaming and jump on to the back of the couch. well i think we caught it so I am going to go save the day and be super mommy I will post you ladies later Maw.
I hate those mutant field mice, have a few in my yard and the cat is too scared of the chickens, even in their pen, to go in the backyard and get the mice!!!

Well Scrambled HB had another sale today so I bought out all the apple blossom colored cotten suger n cream. 19 rolls oh it is so soft and i just love the color. it makes me think of riding my horse through the woods during spring when the dogwoods and redbuds are blooming.

What's HB? And dang if that color hasn't tempted me sicne you first mentioned it as it is NOT in the stores in Fayetteville, lol!!! Gonna have to check ebay again just so I can see what it looks like!! Maw, you enabler!!!

The sugar n cream and the peaches n cream seem to be the same to that C.R.S. and cannot remember who asked about that!!! Not sure really why they are called the dif. names, both cotton worsted weight by Lily. The sugar n cream seems to be the more easy to find for some reason. I use them both, whichever one I find! I'm planning to make my hexagons with it, likely the squares and triangles too!

Still have sooo many sqaures on that crochet-a-long left to do but making progress! The second set of squares are much easier to do than the first set!! I'd be afraid for us to get hooked into a crochet-a-long here becasue it takes us so long to get our squares done!! I like to have my squares nearly done by the time the swap even starts, like alot of ya'll are already working on the spring flings!!

Hope everyone is feeling well today...haven't seen Scoot or a few others but hope all is well and the day is bright and cheerful..and yes, if the mania chickens and yarn, lol!!!!............................I realize I am no help here, lol!​

my humble hooker servants, the queen has returned.
i have been busy and no time really for myself...
was i missed???
some days i feel like LOL did y'all know that toilets have monsters?

its called a crocagator!!! lol
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