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WOW! Karan! Congrats. I will look again slower when i am not dropping my face on my keyboard from being so tired.

We did miss you!
very nice job.

SE, is this site on your crochet links site? my head was still on my keyboard so I didn't double check...sorry. It has some great patterns with instructions even *I* can understand (mostly).

Hookers Club Lakecountychick! I am up the earliest, apparently (though Scrambled is usually up first...hmm) so I get to welcome you first.

This is a crazy fun club.
For the next swap there will be a Spring swap. Our esteemed Scrambled Egg will host that, in this very thread.
So, keep watching this space for info!

You all will never guess what DH and I did in bed last night.
heh...we Hooked! Yup. Both of us sitting there side by side, hooking away on a square. It probably would have made at least a funny candid camera pic. He's just learning but picked it up much faster than I did. I better let him pick a color of yarn he likes.
So, who knows, you might have a joint effort going into the swap! I don't think he would join the swap by himself. But secretly he would be a ninja hooker!

Good Morning and hope you all have a great
Good morning, ladies!

Spring swap is already in the works! We'd love to have you join!

Well, today is canning day for me! I've got lots to get done, so no hooking for me today.

Wonder where SE is this morning?
She's usually on bright & early!

Well, gotta get some work done! Have a great day, everyone!
Good Morning my humble hooker servants! this is your queen speaking ,,,LOL how's everyone doing today??!! me...wonderfully welcome to the new're gonna love this thread!1 oh SE where are you? you didnt post early this morning!!!
lakecountychick the more Hookers the Merrier
We all have a great time here, chickens:cd
or no chickens,
first timer
or old timer
it don't matter. Just join the fun

Scoot I like the crown
Good Morning your Highness

Thanks Rocket we have worked hard on the greenhouse and still a long way to go, but we are on our way
Still being a bum and burning some leave this week, have to go back to work next week before they forget me, lol!! In the meantime, sleeping late, cleaning/organizing my house and yard, spoiling my puppy, who follows me EVERYWHERE!! and hooking and making christmas spiders...ironic that I hit a big one with the fly flap this morning in my kitchen!!!! The glass beaded ones can stay, the fuzzy legged ones..NOT!

You all will never guess what DH and I did in bed last night. heh...we Hooked! Yup. Both of us sitting there side by side, hooking away on a square. It probably would have made at least a funny candid camera pic. He's just learning but picked it up much faster than I did. I better let him pick a color of yarn he likes. So, who knows, you might have a joint effort going into the swap! I don't think he would join the swap by himself. But secretly he would be a ninja hooker!

ROTFLMBO!!!! Soooooo love the male hookers, wish he would join, he would get more flirting and teasing than the law allows!!! Tell him he has a while to decide if he is man enough to take what this group dishes out, lol!! Men are awesome additions to the hooker groups!!!!!!!!! How fun!!

Welcome Lake!!! Happy to have you, bring some friends if you want, you're sure to feel at home in this group right away, very easy bunch of folks to get along with. The spring swap...which I will get the front page write up about done this week so Maw can post it in, will be "Anything Goes!" Squares, hexagons, triangles, circles, any sizes, any patterns any least one for every number of participants. Most of us start on the next swap as soon as we finish making for the last one so lots of folks are working on the spring stuff already...which will probably run about mid-March through May...then chat awhile through the summer and Maw will re-start the Fall one with whatever her theme is...and so on and so that note, lol!! very happy to have you join! You all should feel free to recruit any of your friends, chicken owners or not...just have them join the site and drop in here on this thread and let us know they want to join..pretty soon they will be playing the games and reading the chicken chat and feeling right at home!

Karan, your pictures are sooo great!! That greenhouseis a monster, wow, sooo huge!!! You will have fresh tomatoes all year!!! Lucky you!!! Have you set up a sprinkler system inside it? Can you imagine how happy your chickens would be living in that huge place?!! Something to think about if the pepper/tomato groing gets old, lol!!

Morning Steph, Scoot the Queen, Maw and everyone else in this cozy hooker group!! lol!! Doesn't the Queen throw a few gold coins out every now and then to the peasants?!! Toss a few my way your highness!!​
lakecountychick, we want you to invite your friends so we can talk you all into our little chicken addiction. we get you to want one and they are like potato chips.
Karen the greenhouse is awesome, and I love Kansas BBQ DH and I just got back from there and we had jack stacks three times while we were there.Yumm
Good Morning again. I will see if I can talk DH into joining the crew. He's pretty comfortable with his feminine side.
(growing up with a big sister can do that, I guess, esp when she dressed him up for her tea parties
) If he joins, he's going to help me finish my squares and then do his own for the spring swap!

Well, we lost another hen today. *sigh* Our next step is chicks. We need a fresh batch of girls to mold to our own specifications. I think my current ladies have just been through hell, and I can try to do my very best for them, but it is looking like they are going to take care of the culling themselves.
But ugh...I am going to get so attached to my chicks...must plan carefully....

I have an absolute ton to do today! Ugh... and people clammering down my door for eggs and unhealthy dying birds. *sigh* I am ready to take down my sign for awhile... ugh....Monday Blues, Fall Funk hit me, ladies...
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well on my way to feed the animals i seen this BIG freaky looking

so of course i
LOL then i seen this
and thought that they must be probing SE again!

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