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LOL did y'all know that toilets have monsters?

its called a crocagator!!! lol

ahhhhhh, nooooo!!! Didn't know that Scoot..but I can imagine that would be a real pain in the butt!!!!

Hi Scoot! Our bathtub has snakes... actually it needs a snake, but it sounded funny.
(psst, something's up with the smilies today, Majesty. I only see links. Maybe my browser is broken *again*

Hope you get those toilet monsters taken care of!

I am feeling pretty good today, hope everyone is. I am making progress on my complicated projects (they are a surprise) and will be able to get going on the squares soon. I have a couple of weeks yet.

sugar and cream yarn, except when it kind of unfrays and gets caught on my hook with the wrong thread. I have not seen the apple blossom one either, though I might know what it looks like....just didn't know what it is called. But their colors are good enough to eat. 2 of my squares so far are in that yarn for y'all.

No news today. If it doesn't rain we will be building a chicken pasture in my landlord's already harvested squash/potato field -(btw, potatoes aren't nearly as poisonous as they sound...) Anyway, off to hook and relax with my coffee.

Hey, everyone!! I finally got some of my squares done of pattern that I wanted to use! I have 6 done now!
This will probably be the last time until next weekend since I have lots more canning to this week. We picked up more tomatoes and apples yesterday, and I also have some pears and sweet potatoes to can.

Hope everyone is doing well today!
Howdy gals hows everyone this evening, good I hope, Well the mouse is gone now and I got 2 more rounds done on the window ghan. did my neverending housework too. its was starting to get tough there for a while, cuz my closet was hungery and kept trying to eat me, but I finally was able to get all the clothes in the house washed and put away and I think I am safe now that the closet is full, so full infact that its spitting back at me now. and my poor washer and dryer look sick now so I guess i can give them a break for the night. Now that DH is not been here to add the ever growing pile and I have stopped the girls from changing clothes 5 times a day, and have scaled down the amount of clothes that everyone had that didn't fit my house is now a pleasent place to visit. YEA!
You should see what me and the girls did with my bed totally awesome we took and pushed 2 queen beds togather to make one super larger comfy bed and then went out for a fun hike to look for large tree limbs we went with oak and ash (really like the bark on the ash) so far have only found 2 limbs that are the right size but anyways and we are using them to make bed post poles. Next we are going to go looking for tumpit flower vines to hang from post to post and then will hang up some valure (sp?) curtins or maybe crushed velvet. Anyway we are trying to make it look outdoorsie but romantic at the same time. in the end I am looking to that lodge in the mountins feel. well ladies I sure hope everyone had a good weekend adn girls way to go on the squares. I will post ya'll later. maw
Hey maw
maybe you can post a picture of your bed when it is done. We have a wilderness theme going in our bedroom too. Our oldest daughter had baught us a wooden head & foot post a few years ago, but when we moved up here it was to big. So maybe something like what you are doing would look good!
Glad you are feeling better
How old are the girls?
Oh Scoot, what a fitting avatar!

You all take care, Susan
Hello Gals, I am still around . Did ya miss me? We have been on a constant run since Friday morning. I took Friday off as 1 of 3 vacation days I have left for the year. So we (DH & myself) put the big plastic on the greenhouse.

Here it is just after I finished painting the inside north wall last weekend. Dh had gotten all the vinyl pane on the south end.

Here is DH securing the plastic to the south end.


Yes, that is our trailer house in the background. Humble as it maybe it's home for now. Has been for 15 years now.

Then Saturday we took a display and some plants to the Food Fest that was set up in front of the farmers market in Kirksville. Had a great time.


That's Noah and Myself with our display.


DH & myself, we had the best spot, there was great BBQ next to the north of us, we were under nice shade trees and there was a fellow with a sax playing jazz. It was Great.
Here is the Wow Factor we took with us to draw folks over.

Chinese Five Color HOT Pepper


Chocolate Habanero Pepper 3rd Hottest on Scolville scale.
DH is a bit of a pepper head. So yes we will speicialize in some Hot Peppers..

Then that evening we had a wienie roast for the kids of my 4-H horse project group. Good time there too.
Just busy, busy, busy ,, But I like it that way espiacally when things come together.

Sorry for loading out on the pics Just so darn excited about how it all went together.

Been trying to do some reading to catch up on the last couple of days looks like you all have been buzy too.
Maw that Window sure is pretty. Sounds like you are going to have one big awsome bed there too.
Sorry trying to choose one out of all those nice sunflower squares is a hard on. They all look pretty, I do like the yellow bordered one though.

Scoot you are crazy, and No I wouldn't want ya to change.
EastTNchick Contgrats on the squares good work.
Rocket Congrats on the sales, and I love your coffee smile that's great.
Hey if I missed anyone I'm sorry , there was a lot of reading to do.
I did get one more square finished on an afghan I am making for my granddaughter. 12- down and ??? to go. Well I am going to catch up on a couple more threads and then hit the shower. Karan
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