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Anyone interested in sending goodies to me and when she gives me her address, I'll either send it to you or send you mine and we can either do one flat rate box or send our own..let me know...and Athena..send me yours..that's an order soldier!!!
Mornin y'allheres what i have been doing....just thought i'd post it even though they arent crochet.....

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Those look very nice, your majesty!

Good morning, everyone! Popping in to say 'hi' to everyone. Lots to do today. We're taking the kids to my parents for the next 3 nights, so we'll be childless for a few days! We're thinking about going to Biltmore, but we're not sure. We'll at least have some alone time together. I will be taking my yarn with me so I'll get some hooking done!

Today, I will be packing everyone clothes and getting some housework done, as well as some of my regular work. My chickens will be in the capable hands of my DFIL. We told him we'd pay him in eggs!
We're up to 7 eggs a day, so that's not too bad IMO!

OK - I'd better get moving. Lots to get done and the day is already slipping by! Have a great day, everyone!
karanleaf I am so sorry to hear about your hen, that so sucks! :aww
I am glad yoiu had a great time at the beach, Dh has decided that this weekend we are going to take the girls camping, tent camping in the woods like me and him have both done with our parents when we were kids, so lots of hot dogs and beans, open fire eggs and bacon, fire pot coffee, and MARSHMELLOWS!

So that will be fun.
athena how ya doing gal great to hear from ya.
queen scoot that smily is totally me right now, are you peeking in my window? LOL!

well gals the dentist trip was ok for the girls but awefull for me so heres the story

I took the girls to this new dentist office in the mall call KoolSmiles a Dr. Phillip, we get in there and get the paperwork done, and not to long and they call them back, so haley goes in to th x-ray room first and blaylee and I go sit in the dentist chair while waiting for sis to get done they do one xray kind in one room then take her and gett another xray in a panoramic type view in another room and all the while shes asking whats happening whats going on, shaking, and the aid never says a work to her to calm her fears, or tell her what hes doing so she understands whats going on. so then next up is blaylee, and this being her first time to ever go to the dentist, to my surprise they want to take xrays of her too- yea a 3 yr old and a xray chair not happening! so they ask me to come and help and they are wanting to put some kind of little deal of flim or what not in her mouth that 1 won't fit and 2 expecting her in to want to bite it or lick it or take it out or move! I told them that this wasn't going to happen so he goes and asks another aid about it and she says why are you trying to get them there isn't really no need at that age. so after that here we are in the dentist chairs girls side be side both getting worked on at the same time. Now mind you that we know that haley has a cavatity that has been bothering her, and we had been trying to gett state medicad for the girls for 2 months, since DH just went back to work. so the aids start to cleaning their teeth haleys aid of course explains nothing says nothing and she's scared out of her mind, but is very quite and holds very still but is squzziing my hand so tight that it leaves red marks, but blaylees aid talks to her and shows her the tools and such and blaylee has a great time. then comes the main guy the dentist, comes in says nothing to me, sits down sticks his finger in haleys mouth and PULLS it open doesn't ask her to open it then starts his thing, counting and scraping and such works for a whole 5 mins and then moves on to blaylee and does the same thing. then when hes done the aid takes the girls to go pick out prizes, so I am still in the main room where there are also other patiants and moms and dads getting stuff done and he asks me what is their diet like and how much suger do they eat, normal question I think and I say lots of homecooking, not hardly any fast food, but they get candy or ice cream nearly everday for grandma and daddy and sometimes me as I do the yogart thing instead but grandma give haley an ice cream everyday that whe bring home a all smiley face behaveor report from school which is everday. So he looks straight at me and says to me in front of everyone in the room that giving them any kind of suger at all is a form of unentenanul (sp?) child abuse. "WHAT, WAIT A MINUTE HERE!" did I hear him right, and then he goes in to explaining how it is child abuse, by giving them candy, at all they start to get cavitiys, and kids don't brush good enough so the parents should be doing it for them. ? and when they get the cavitiys they are in pain and because they are in pain we take them to the dentist, and he had to fix it, and there in we are abusing our children. So he says to me again you and your family giving them that suger your are unententnully abusing your children. HE DIDN"T JUST SAY THAT AGAIN! did he. Yes he did. by this time my face is redd and I am ready to punch someone! so then he tells me that kids should not have any snacks in between meals only water! who has a kid who wants water when their hungry? SO then he tells me that haley has an abess baby tooth that will have to be pulled, write a script for pain meds and gets up and leaves. the aid takes me to the front and lays some papers down and asks me to sign them without telling me what the are, so I said well before I sign anything you need to explain to me what these papers are, so he goes into telling me these are the treatment plans for the children, haley needs one tooth pulled, 4 baby teeth crowned with silver crowns, 3 fillings and sealent on all the teeth. blaylee is showing signs of beinning decay form the candy but is ok and will not need to be seen for 6 months, so haley is needing all this done to teeth that are going to be falling out in the next year or two. And I had to make the aid tell me, the dentist never said a word about it and the aid wouldn't have told me if I hadn't made him explain it before I agreed to sign any papers. Talk about Mad as an ole wet hen! so today I am going to be making some phone calls to the insurence to let them know what happend and to see if I can get her in to see another dentist somewhere else and thenI am going to call the HQ to this national chain of dentist offices and let them know how there employees are treating the customers. so I had a very full day ahead of me. so to all those of you who have kids that are younger and are still quite young like me (well in the 20s and 30s as I am 27)
make sure you ask questions, know whats going on, don't sign anything that you are unsure of, or don't know what it says or means make the someone explain it to you. Don't let these doctors and dentists or healthcare people walk all over you,as they are suppose to be there to help you, not to hurt, scare, or anything else and if they do you let them know that they are out of line and out of place. I want my kids to have good expereinces and this by far was the worse and I sat down and told the girls that I was sorry and that what they did was not right and that we are going to make sure that won't happen to them again or anyone else.

WEll theres Maws rant for the day, sorry gals it just floors me what some people who calls themsleves professionals try to get by with these days so I am off to do my civil duty and get mean with some folks today. Hope everyones day is better and I will update ya'll on what happens. Later. Maw.
Awww! Karan! How horrible! :aww *shudder* I think I would have a heart attack if I found that!

Thanks SE for the soap advice! I will continue experimenting and I like the idea of marbling the colors. I also need to get some squishy molds from that soap place you sent me. Shoulda brought your hooks to the court, though I suppose you might have.
I know I couldn't even do a thing on the noisy bus I was on yesterday, even though I brought my yarn for the hour ride. It was just too loud and bumpy.

Lovely lovely pillows, Queen Scoot!

And I need that thought train again. Guess that is what I get for hitting my head on the chicken coop-to-run door frame. Very small hobbit type door and I am kind of tall. Ow... heh...

Holy Cow! Maw! That has just scared the crud out of me for having to get my kiddo in to the dentist. Yipe! I am in the same boat and was trying to get aid and have waited awhile to get Hannah in, and now all three of us DH, me and DD need to go in. *shudder*
I hope I don't have to call my insurance again. They haven't been very forthcoming as to what the heck I am supposed to do.
I hate making those kinds of calls. Good luck Maw! We will be rooting for you!
Maw ~ First, here are some
. That was a terrible day for you and the girls.

Now, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT do any form of treatment until you get a second opinion. It sounds to me like they are just there for the paycheck and not for their patients. I would have walked out of there before the visit was even over. How DARE he accuse you of child abuse because your children are given sugar. I don't know that I would have been able to hold my tongue. I would definitely report him to the corporate center, as well as the BBB (Better Business Bureau), and anyone else that I could think of. I would not want anyone else to go through that you did.

Please don't take this wrong, but ,if it were me, I would definitely cut down on the amount of sugar that they are getting, but I know that is easier said than done when grandparents are involved. It sounds like your girls may get cavities fairly easily. Some people are more likely to get cavities than others. I know - I'm one of them.

I hope you can get their dentist changed and get a second opinion with someone that really cares about your children. Give your girls big ol'
from me.
Oh Maw, what a rotten day at the dentist,
I am so sorry that you and your girls went through that.
I would have been there
at that Dentist and may have
for his un needed comments. And
in his face back.

I agree with Steph " DO NOT do any form of treatment until you get a second opinion. It sounds to me like they are just there for the paycheck and not for their patients. "
Let anyone Insurance, Dental Group, and anyone else you can find in the book know how rude those folks were at that place. That is totally Unprofessional, not to mention inconsidrent. As you said the girls are going to lose those baby teeth, You might look into getting some differnt tooth paste and brushes for the girls and there are mouth rinses for aiding in cavity fighting and such. But most diffentanly find another Dentist to see the girls.

Thanks for the kind words girls on my poor pullet. As Dh said lesson learned and will not be making that mistake again.
It just had to be a Pullet and not 1 of the 6 Cockrells

I am better today about it, just an unfortunant happening that is what they call an accident.

Thanks Athena I didn't have that glass of wine after all I was really tired. But I may have 1 tonight. Sure wish you were home, we would have one together.

I'll check in with all of you later
dang Maw.....i would have been all over that dentist in a flash!
i agree with Karen change toothpaste/brushes plus the have rinses as well. sorry about your pullet Karen!
ok off to make some more pillows to sell!(the ones i posted are for sale also) LOL
take care hookers
I'll catch up with ya'll daughter surprised us and came home tonight! She hasn't been home since she moved into that apartment so we are glad to see her, unfortunately she is heading back tomorrow evening so she can work the weekend so we are going out for supper..hugs
Thank gals ya'll are my BFF chicken hookers, made me feel so much better, well the last time haley had gone to the dentist he said to use crest so thats what we have all been using, and we change our tooth brushes once a month, but me and the girls don't floss, but we are going to start. Dh went and got us girls these little blue and pink pony flosser things just for kids, but I will use them too.LOL. Well here's an update on the situation, I did some research on the web on the insurance and found the direct number I needed to call just for this kinda thing and told them what had happen, and they told me to deffinatly (sp?) go see another dentist asap. and they are going to do and internal investigation on the dr. and the company. then I call the company HQ and tried to report him to them but all I got was voice mail box so I will try again tomorrow and if i get the voice mail again I am going to say that I have reported the company and the dentist to the fraud department for our insurance company and then I am going to try to find a way to see if I can have his lisences pulled until he gets some more customer training or something. so I did get her in to see another dentist and this ones been around for a while and came highly recommended, and when I called to make the appointment they said that they are overrun with new patients that have came to get fixed after having treatments for the same place, so this is not the first time it has happened. but she will be seeing the new dentist on tuesday morning, if not sooner if they get a cancelation, and we will be taken good care of. Come to find out that this mean doctor and bad clinic who advetises that their specialty is children aren't even liscened for pedatric dentistry. so I would like to know jsut how they are getting away with this kinda stuff. Oh well I will do what I can to stop it. if i can.

shanah you arn't the only one with a sore head tonight, I was trying to separate a few different breeds tonight and was walking out of one of the cages and DH had left the prongs from where he had cut out the door, and I guess I thought I was bent over enough, but I wasn't and now I have 4 new deep scratches on the top back of my head, OWE! the owl in the woodline must have seen it cuz he started laughing and hooting at me. I try to wait untill the evening to catch my bidys that way I don't have to cash them all over the place and end up catching nothing but myself or one of the kids in the net. so it was a interesting evening catching chickens in the moonlight. LOL. SE glad to hear that your daughter is doing alright. hope everyone has a great evening I am going to go put some ice on my head and join risurocket on the couch! have a great one. Maw.
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