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That is a very cute afghan Smitty!
Wish I knew you were looking for a boat one, I seen one somewhere. It was a filet looking one. Oh well that one will go just great with her room theme!
Hi no cute handle..

If your son-in-law can get on base, then perhaps he can find someone or know someone who knows folks in supply
or if there are paratroopers on Ft Riley. The cord is primarily used for parachutes.. and paratroopers will have them.
However, many military sections use the 550 cord. It is one of the strongest cord around and the military just loves it.

Or if there is a close enough Army/Navy store.

Other cord is used in the civilian world to make these bracelets, such as the boy scouts, but, because many of these braclets go to military members and they prefer the military BDU colors. I still make colorfull (neon orange, yellow, etc) for troops kids or spouses.

I have a shipment coming in, ordered it 2 weeks ago. That will tie us over, instead of me asking for folks to

Thanks for caring enough to ask... I so appreciate that!
well ladies its been a long day here, got most of the laundry done and put away, I may have a new home for my labs that out on a big ranch with a huge house, full of kids, they will love it. I hate to lose them but I have to keep them penned up all the time except when dh is away my girl comes and stays in the house, but all the rest of the time they have to stay tied up outside and I hate that since before we had the chickens they got to run loose everywhere, and I just don't think its fair to them, but they do try to break in the cages and runs to kill the chickens so they have to stay tied up, so hopefully these people will take them and give them a great home. ANd dh says he will get us two great pyreneese, to rasie to protect the flock so that will kinda make the girls feel a little better. I hope. I just hate to see my girl lab go I am sooooo attatched to her. but its for the best for her.
well I think I am coming down with dhs crud even thought I followed him around with lysol all week I missed a spot somewhere as I feel awful my head is running, snezzing so bad that my eyes did't even water when I cut onions at supper tonight, and my throat hurts from all the drainage, and I just feel icky, but i took some Vit C and have been drinking tons of clear liquds and trying to fight it off so if you don't hear from me tomorrow evening thats why. In the morning haley has another dentist appointment with the new dentist at 8 am so We will have to leave the house at 6:30 am to get there on time with out rushing ourselves which means I will have to get everyone up at 5:30 to get them dressed and ready to leave. OH its going to be a long day tomorrow and raining on top of all that. Oh well we will get through it.

Ok gals its crunch time you've got 3 weeks, 2weekends to get those squares cranked out, so but them fingers in to over drive and tell DH and kids to clean and cook cuz ya'll are too busy with you squares! makes a good excuse right? thats what I told DH last spring and got out of 2 days of cooking and cleaning. well anywhos lets get em done. snap snap crack crack with the whip.

well I am off to bed to get a little sleep before tomorrows busy ness gets here so take care and i will get after you later. Maw.

I saw those photos on your weekend at the beach,.....

and I was thinking, all this sand here, but no ocean/water for
and besides you wouldnt dare put a bathing suit on..
those clerics would come after you....

Looking at your photos.. esp the last one with all your family, I was envious since you all looked like you had such a good time. Thats what family and friends are about....

Got me to thinking about planning a family at the beach deal when I come home as well..

Thanks for sharing those awesome photos with us...
You are so welcome for the thought Athena, but I will see how difficult it would be for him to get some & go from there.

Oh Maw good luck with your long day & get better soon!
hugs.gif the way did you kiss him?? That will do it!

Oh & Smitty, if you didn't want to cross stitch the little boats on there, you could look up a pattern for a plastic canvas sail boat pattern. Follow the pattern in a single crochet motif type thingy (what a discription
) & then sew it on. Just a thought. OR just thought of could use that same plastic canvas idea & make a big boat in the middle, doing a filet type middle.

Good night all
Did someone already post about crochet cupckakes?
I seem to remember maybe that someone did somewhere?

Glad you got the dentist thing worked out Maw; I think I forgot to mention that in my posts...But I was thinkin' it!

Btw the way girls, if I repeat myself(I do a lot
) just roll your eyes and bring it to my attention. My memory is terrible! I think that's what I may have done with the cupcake question.
No chicks~ Thanks for the ideas. Those sound great! How do I do it again? I'm not sure I understand. Ok this may be a dumb question, but what does filet it mean?

If you come across another sail boat pattern, please pass it along. I looked every where for a sail boat granny square pattern, but couldn't find one. I thought a granny square one might work up faster.

I've started the pattern posted and it has been going pretty fast so far. I had to put it down today, so I could work on my squares.

Maw~ Take care of your self.
Hope you feel better.

Okiemommy~ I think I did see a link for those cup cakes a while back. I think it's floating around with the amurgumi stuff. I don't remember who posted it, though.

I forgot to tell everyone that my best friend that lives in Fla brought 3 feather footed banties home from her local feed store. One of the babies has 5 toes. The addiction is spreading.
One was free b/c it has splayed leg. She went back today to get a few more. Her excuse was that the splayed leg might not make it & if any are roos she has to get rid of them. LOL!!!! She had about 3 chickens many moons ago, but they all grew up to be roos, so I don't know how long she had them. I'm so happy for her. I'm trying to get her to sign up w/ BYC to.

All right everyone. My eyes are getting heavy. I'm going to go and see if I can finish just one more square before bedtime.

Good night everyone!!!!!!!
Okie..not much is cuter than those cupcake purses for little girls..ADORABLE!!!! Someone, maybe Angie? makes them by the boatload and has them in their ETSY store, cute as could be!! Check ETSY and see...very, cute would be an awesome gift for a little girl, cute, cute, cute!!

Missin the Queen, glad when she can get back!!

Nice to have you active int he thread Athena..soon you won't feel like your day is complete without checking in here!!

Chicken soup Maw..the only thing for a cold!!! And then rest and hook!! lol!! Take care of yourself..gonna need your strength to dig around in that ever growing yarn stash!! I think Dr. Phil would look at those plastic bins in my garage and the rolling boxes under my bed and the bags stuffed in my closet and do a "hoarding" intervention..then I would have to hurt him if he tried to cart it off anywhere, lol!!! I like my yarn sickness, lol!!!

Gotta get outta here..have a great day ya'll wishing great mojo and good things happenin for everyone today!!!!!!
hey lady! Sorry, it's been another wild summer here as usual!

I finally got on the site for a few and saw any "hooker" thread!

I have the squares all done, now its gettin to the PO and getting them out! God, I still never took and posted pics of the last squares that I put together! God Im bad!!!!

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