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Well, here is my first spring swap hexagon, lol!!! It has so mnay cluster sttiches in it that it took me over an hour and several rip outs to get it right!! I think the next ones will go much quicker since I have the pattern memorized now. Red Heart Soft Yarn..feels like caron but the strands separate worse, still soft and works up pretty..and cheap, Michaels carries it 2 skeins for $5.00.

Sounds like a quiet evening on the hooker corner here!! Night all, have a good one
.....Scoot, your flower square is good, hard to distinguish but I can see the 3d flower!!
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All the pictures of the circles, square & hexagon are really neat.
I do agree the square needs a second color for the flower. It's like the afghan I am working on for my dad. It is avarigated red, white & blue. I put his last name down the center of it, but had to do it in a lite yellow, because you couldn't see it in the other 3 colors mentioned.

Very cute fuzzy butts
so sorry to hear of the lost one. That is so sad that snowball is depressed. I was once told that they can die from depression from a lost loved one, is this true? Sure hope she comes through it ok.

Smitty you are welcome for the posts.

Ris I know just what you mean, dealing with a donkey of a landlord
They say the lord only gives you what you can handle, but I tell you sometimes I think he over fills my plate.

East hope you are feeling better.

That CRS syndrome, runs around here too
Kim... You can add c/o Athena to the box... but almost ALL the boxes are opend by me to put into the stockroom. And every person who donates anything, gets a thank you letter signed by me, and the 2 chaplains I work with.

Also, if we get an over abundance of anything, we start immedialtey shipping to the FOB's, or forward operating bases. These are the Marines and Army troops that are outside the wire, who come in contact with local Iraqi's. They are always asking for small toys, candy and soccer balls for the kids they come in contact with. The Iraqi boys love their soccer balls.

If anyone is interested in getting emails I send out, with photos of the troops, and the progress/accomplishments we have made in Iraq, just PM me your email address and I will send you some. I get them daily, but I send them out once or twice a week. These are the types of phots you won't see in the mainstream media.

Darlene... Please make sure i am on that Secret Santa list.. I would reallyy like to participate. I will get to making my suprise now, so I can mail it out in time.
Guitarists.... Thank You so much for posting this.... and I'm sure Troy thanks this posting as well. He was an extraordinary man... his sacrifice left 5 small children fatherless, the youngest, a set of 9 month old twins. His story is a very special read. I am so privileged to work at Troy's and help in his vision.

What a really great group of folks there are hanging out in this thread!!! Lucky me to be a part of this group...just want to tell each of you how much I appreciate all the contributions you make to each other and to me and to making this "community" in this thread something I look forward to being a part of every day!!!
I am just going to quietly post here...

it has been a busy day. It appears to have taken a mink threat to my chickens to get my landlord out of his funk. He's having a grand time trying to hunt the thing. Something must have been in the air last week around here, because it was just a funky week...

Anyway, I have a mink running around scoping out my chicken coop. Hasn't found a way in yet...
but my good nights of sleep will be few and far between until the thing is trapped. I feel badly for it. I really do. Even though I saw it kill a squirrel. But the thing has got to go, or else I will not have any more chickens.

My day was busy but unproductive. One of those days...However, everyone here thanks for your help in putting up with me during my funky week especially at the end of it...I do feel better now, and I hope that my landlord will feel better once we get to talking about how *we* can work with him on the gardening and stuff. But I babble on..and this was supposed to be a quiet post.
Have good nights all, and hope everyone has a good Sunday!
Yesterday is the first time I think in the history of this thread that only one person! Must be a busy weekend for folks. Racing rained out last more week of anxiety about the points championship!! The worry is hard on us old folks, lol!!

Yard and house cleaning today..maybe a few hexagons too!!
have a great day all, hope you aren't all scheduled at once for the alien probes!!!


Please do not feel obligated just because you belong to the crochet swap! NO OBLIGATION!!!

Rules:Sign - Up Closes: November 15th
Secret Santa Items: Must be a HANDMADE item of reasonable cost or investment.

Santa Assignment: On November 16th, every person on the list will be sent the name of their "secret" person. Please do not reveal which name you have!!! It is a "SECRET"!!! I will send you the name and address of your "secret" person and you will be required to make them something and have it shipped to them no later than December 15th. Only after or during shipping are you to reveal to the person that you are their Secret Santa!!

How to sign up: Send me a pm with your name and address and you will be added to the list. Only myself and the person you are assigned to will be given your name and address.

Feel free to save your present until Christmas or open it when you get it..either way, please take a picture and share the fun experience with the rest of us!!! The main objective here is to have fun with this project..simple, easy and fun!!!

This would be a great time to recruit new members to this thread!!

(I looked back through the thread and know that several expressed interest but didn't see those posts..please let me know for sure now that I have a list generated!! Thanks all!!)


1. Scrambled Egg - Organizer
2. Mawchickkide
3. Athena
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I would love to partcipiate! I'll PM you my info SE!

As for my "busy" weekend, I really didn't do much, just rested from having my wisdom teeth out, and then I had a migraine on top of that. I'm down to 7 squares, and then I'll be ready to ship to Maw!!

This morning, it was my turn to fix breakfast for our Sunday School class, so I fixed biscuits, sausage, eggs, and hashbrown casserole.

Now, I need to rest, so I'm going to do that before we have to go to my in-laws for lunch, and then back to church this evening.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Howdy everyone!

Am just checking in today.

I finished another regular ripple afghan this week, it's for my dd 21st birthday. Of course, I gave it to her already, her birthday isn't until the 30th. I'll post photos in a few days. Am waiting on a new power cord for my laptop.

I plan to ship off a large flat rate box ($12.95 size) to the troops in Iraq as soon as we are moved, after the 1st of Nov.

SE.... where'd you get the pattern for the hexagons??? I love them! Can't wait to see the circles once done ;-)

I'm in on the Secret Santa...sent SE a PM already!
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