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Karan!!! I sooooooo love the flying monkey gif!!! ROTFL!!! Love it!! Saved it on my desktop..I would change my avatar but I am sort of fond of the red shoes, lol!!

Congrats on the new ride Shanah!!

The only thing I will tell you for sure about your Secret Santa assignment is that no one will be "getting" from the same person they are "giving" to! Still have two weeks for sign up..hopefully more of our swap members will want to join!!

Well, gonna go watch some tv and make a spider...have a nice evening ya'll!!...oh and about mombychoice instead of gramma
??!!!! I was 50 this year so hopefully no gramma-ing anytime soon, but mom or aunt or sister or pal or friend is cool, loL!
lol okay mombychoice !!

Well the cookie kit came out wonderful, except for the putting my walls up backward, but we fixed it before it was obvious. The girls had so much fun putting on the decorations. Since only one of thier friends showed up, they all had icing from chin to fingertip. I got ONE picture of it, and that was after the demo.

They played thier little hearts to the hilt, for once, my kids slept past the roosters this morning.

Thanks everyone for all the interest in my kiddos. Gives me someone to brag to.
Sounds like that was some happy little girls Skand!!! Good job!! They never forget those big investments by Mom and Dad!! Erin still thinks fondly (she's 20) of her motorized Barbie Corvette we got her one Christmas!! She drove that thing until she wore it out!! Course when my son came along he had to have one of those suzuki 3 wheeler things so he could turn it over, loL!!! Boys are sooooooo much busier than girls!!! Happy ya'll had fun!!!!!!

I have so many things to get done today..have a good one ya'll!!!


Please do not feel obligated just because you belong to the crochet swap! NO OBLIGATION!!!

Rules:Sign - Up Closes: November 15th

Secret Santa Items: Must be a HANDMADE item of reasonable cost or investment. For example .... if I were to crochet a long scarf out of nice yarn and add a spider ornament to that, I would think that would be a nice gift...if I made a record bowl with the crocheted washcloths and the music cd and music soap like I plan to make for my co-workers, that would seem like a nice gift to me all are talented and what you make does not need to cost much, just be thoughtful about it and it will mean the world to whoever gets it, I'm sure

Santa Assignment: On November 16th, every person on the list will be sent the name of their "secret" person. Please do not reveal which name you have!!! It is a "SECRET"!!! I will send you the name and address of your "secret" person and you will be required to make them something and have it shipped to them no later than December 15th. Only after or during shipping are you to reveal to the person that you are their Secret Santa!!

How to sign up: Send me a pm with your name and address and you will be added to the list. Only myself and the person you are assigned to will be given your name and address.

Feel free to save your present until Christmas or open it when you get it..either way, please take a picture and share the fun experience with the rest of us!!! The main objective here is to have fun with this project..simple, easy and fun!!!

This would be a great time to recruit new members to this thread!!


1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) Organizer
2. Mawchickkide - (Jessica)
3. Athena - (Athena)
4. EastTnChick- (Steph)
5. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
6. AmyQuilt - (Amy)
7. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
8. No Chicks Here - (Susan)
9. Risurocket - (Shanah)
10. Guitarists - (Angie)
11. TB1 - (Teri)
12. Skand - (Stephanie)
good job Skand your kids will remember that forever my daughter still reminds me of a project we did together and she's 26.
She was studying Aztecs in 5th grade so made a cape out of colorfull feathers took hours to hot glue the feathers onto a piece of fabric but it fit her and she wore it for the class and then the teacher hung it on the wall for the rest of the year
Good Lord woman you are promoting the Secret Santa!! Just teasing you Darlene ^_^ Maybe I feel guilty

My husband and I were at Micheals last night and I wanted to buy some yarn that I saw that was on sale. I think it was wool-ese are something like that for 1.97.

He wouldn't let me!!!!! He said, "You are NOT going to buy any more yarn until you are ready to start a project. When you have a specific project in mind AND are going to start it, THEN you can buy the yarn."


"I don't care, you have to be willing to work on it. When are you going to have the time to work on another project?"

okay fine hmpf :thun

morning gals mawsnoozeidie here this morning, OOOOOOH I am so tired and sore this morning, but chickenstock went great!!! it was very small only a handful of people came but still we really enjoyed it, had alot of byc'ers there And Gracefulbantams won the main show, with a beautiful pair of silverspangled hamburgs, and renigade chicken mama won the costume chicken contest with a silkie dressed up as chicken salad. and my white sizzle roo won the uglest chicken contest. but all my hens round here think hes hot stuff.
it was alot of fun and I sure hope next year it will be bigger. and just keep growing from there.

SE it was someone from the south that came up with that saying as dh said we are rasing more possiums than we are chickens we have killed more that 6 in the last 3 months no including the one that have been ranover in front on the house I think about 4. SO For for all those who need some inticment to get to working on those squares, lets get to moving or I'll throw a possium at you. LOL
and thats the truth. heres a new one that some of you might not have heard of before, around here in the spring and summer the old farts will go catfishing and when they catch a good size one they will take it home get the meat off of it and then hang the head and bones on a fence post out by the road for everyone to see. When I first moved out here that was a new one for me. in the neck on the woods I grew up in we would do that with snakes., but not fish. talk about stinky. as for my yarn if dh thinks he's going to sell it when I go, hes wrong I am willing it to my kids to use. LOL If that lady did pass, that man might watch out if shes like me and SE he will endup with a nightly visiter, giving him what for for sell her yarn. LOL. Queen now if you don't get better I am going to have to bring you some get well soup and take care of you. we miss you gal.
well I got to meet chickngurls DH this weekend he is really nice and cute chickngurl your lucky gal, and when ya head this way for okc I will have the roo ready for ya.
well ladies my knees are really hurting, don't know why thought I have worked where I have walked around all day and did heavy lifting and stuff such as that, but this I have to say is the first time my knees have ever bothered me, their not swollen but it feels like they should be, I mean I can't even stand up straight. It hurts to walk, they hurt all night last night to the point I couldn't even roll over with out crying out. It's crazy I can't think of anything I did that would have effected my knees, maybe my back and arms but not my knees. I can walk but I have to walk with my knees bent, I cannot stand up straight. do ya'll have any suggestions as to what I can do to to make them stop hurting? I have soaked in a hot tub, took advil, did the heating pad,the kids rubbed them for me, I have even tried ice, with as cold as it is this morning, but nothing is helping. well I am going to get off here and go soak somemore and I will catch up later gals. don't forget lets get to going on those squares, or I will have to throw a possium at you! LOL one week and 4 days left. and 2 weeks left on the sign up. hey se did you post the secret santa on the craft thread? Maw.
hey maw, try having them propped up on pillows. Ya know, like on those craftmatic beds, pillows stuffed under your knees. I have to fall asleep like that, but once I'm asleep, I use of those the pillows to cuddle. It snuggles better then Hippie Jim

OOOoo so it is the best way to attach feather to stuff, hot glue? lol I've used so many sticks of hot glue these last two years having birds, the dollar tree sales people look at me funny when I come to the register with less then 4 packs of glue sticks. Every project Alyssa's had at school, we find a reason to use feathers. I have so many baskets of feathers they fly off the freezer every time you either open or shut the door.
btw, our peacock and our game cock's feathers so closely match colorwise, I'm planning on making fairy wings sometime soon. Just have to get the braveness to start.
It snuggles better then Hippie Jim

Maybe you are glueing those feathers on the wrong thing!!! Hippy Jim might need some strutting feathers too, lol!!!

Maw, you haven't been bitten by a tick have you? I think Lyme disease affects your joints...hopefully it's just arthritis and you overdid it this weekend..get some rest..or the possum flinging will be in Wister!!!

I didn't really want to open the Secret Santa thing up to other than just us Hookers..afraid folks that we don't talk to eery day may not feel quite as inclined to follow through and that would be terrible. Someone has an ornament swap going on the general forum so that should be enough. I'm just hoping all the ones that drop in on this thread think about joining..and if they see the post enough (hint, hint Okie...
) they might decide to join!!

Beautiful day here today..gonna go get my chickens out in the yard a bit..look out bugs!!
Maw I know what you are going through. I know what causes mine though. You might try good old fashion REST! I know it will be hard, but it may help. Cuddle up on the couch or favorite chair, wrap your legs with a nice warm blanket & just rest for the day. That is the only thing that helps me & I have Rheumatoid. Glad the chickenstock turned out good.
Skand sounds like the girls had fun, even if it was just oe friend. May have been better than several, no fighting that way.
Well it is real WINDY today!
Okie, just tell him, you want to make socks!

Take care all,
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