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LOL possium flinging in wister, thats kinda funny cuz I tossed a dead possium at dhs dog today cuz he kept casing the chickens and it worked. LOL

well I did rest today an my knees started feeling alot better, but then I had some nochos for lunch and mixed in some salsa from the back of the frigde (that should have sent red flags up but didn't) and ended up praying to the porclin monster for an hour.
feelin alot better now but my foot still hurts a bit, should feel alot better in the morning, so all I did today was watch a movie and finished the work on blaylees costume and started haleys mask on hers. going to work on the spiders tomorrow and secret santa. and more dish cloths. SE I totally agree with you, I should have thought of that, such a ding dong sometimes, bu tthen again there are days i would lose my brain if it weren't in my head. LOL. well I have to go give the kido a bath so I will post at ya'll later maw.

Gals Hope everyone is well

Glad You are feeling better your Majestity

Maw I hope your legs get better soon I had quite a time with mine I have varicose veins(large inflamed spider veins) bad in the left leg (not saying you do) Dr told me to stay complelely off legs for 2 days, stay in bed with legs up.
And I have a knee that I had surgery on 8 years ago, so when that leg bothers me I use some Biofreeze gel You have to ask for ask the pharm at Walmart but it is good stuff for sore muscles and such.
Please take care of your self that leg pain can be signs of other problems if it keeps up, get it checked out.
We need to keep moving and feeling

Guitartists Ohhh My I had a dream last night that it snowed in mid day I don't know if it's for here or If I dreamed of yours But let me throw some sunshine out to all.

Ok that's is all for my graphic exerisizes this morning, took today as another vacation day and DH and I have lots and lots to do.
Later Taters
and that's why she's the queen although SE is definitely a princess.
Maw I hear ya my ankle's and right hip are killing me this morning. I have my first appt with the RA Dr. on Wednesday
I have to find a pattern for the hexagons triangle and circles cause I want to start my spring swap stuff soon.
going to crochet some of my cotton squares together today and make a pocketbook out of them and I have matching fabric to line it with.will post a picture when I finish.
Everyone have a great day!
Okie is he crazy it was $1.97. I would sneak back there when he goes to work!

Ha Ha I know huh!!! ^_^

I'm just hoping all the ones that drop in on this thread think about joining..and if they see the post enough (hint, hint they might decide to join!!


i really don't think I can add another thing to my plate right now. What kind of stuff can we make? Jump start me with some ideas, and I MAY ^_^ be able to join.

Okie, just tell him, you want to make socks!bun

HAHA!! That's a good idea! oh...but he is smart enough to ask me if I know how to make socks....and I don't

Maw glad that your legs are doing better!

Glad you are feeling better scoot!


We don't get that much of it here, so when we get it....YAY!!!

I worked on my project for my art class yesterday from 10:00 AM until 3:30 AM this morning!

The tip of my right ring finger is numb!

I'm still not done, but I'm in the homestretch. Today is the day that it's due. I will be soooooooo glad when I turn it in, done or not!

Alright off to finish it. *sigh*​
I think our hooker sister group has a sub group of graphic royalty!

Hooray! Our queen is better!

Karan, our princess -

And our original graphic princess SE with her Christmas spirit
and all other cheery graphics...We missed you this morning.

I think my ladies know winter is coming. They are eating like I never feed them.
Happy Halloween for those of you who do that sort of thing. We already had our trick or treating and DD was a were-chicken. I will try to get the pics up soon.

Angie, I am just starting the crocheted critters. Maybe we should take up SEs idea and do a critter swap. (like I need another project...)

Okie, good luck with your project.
Maw, rest those legs, it was probably all the running around and maybe the weather changing...congrats on your successful chickenstock!
It's going to get
here and I will have to come up with a new source for greens for those hungry birds.

Well, if I missed anyone, sorry...I have you all in my thoughts. Everyone stay healthy and keep warm!
Hey all, You can add me to the sick list, I have had this crap for two weeks now, on my second round of antibiotics, and my sides hurt soooo bad from the coughing, yeck!!!! Anyway my squares have been done for a couple weeks now, just haven't gotten them mailed, maybe I can get that done today???? Anywho, ya'll take care and hope everyone is feeling better soon, I hate to see what the winter will hold if we are this sick now?????
Hey, everyone! Sorry to disappear again. I was dealing with a migraine from Thursday to Saturday, and then we had church yesterday. We also went and picked up my early Christmas present. Would ya'll like to see what I got?



His name is 'Chip' and he's a 6-month-old Shih Tzu. I've been wanting one for years and DH found a great deal on some. So, we went and looked at them yesterday, and Chip came home with us! He's so sweet, and he follows me everywhere! I do have to finish housebreaking him, but I've BTDT so I know what needs to be done and we're working on it.

On a sadder note, we were gone all day yesterday and when we made it home, I had several chickens out, and we're missing one. Either a hawk or some dogs got it, but I'm pretty sure it was a dog because I found several "fluff" feathers from around the legs and bum area, but no large feathers. Plus, a couple other pullets have several feathers missing from the same areas, as well as some of their saddle feathers. But it was not from mating. There were some feathers at odd angles and standing straight up like something had been after them. I've got to go out now and check on them and see if there are any scratches, bit marks, etc.

DH is going to talk to the neighbors again. Their dogs have been hanging around our yard again. We keep running them off, but they keep coming back. Next step is SSS. I really had to admit that, but that's what we're going to have to do. I love animals of all kinds, but I can't stand people who won't take care of their own or who think that letting them run loose is OK.

OK - getting off my soap box now!

Well, I'm off to get a few things done around here. Catch ya later!
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