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LOL i would LOVE to hang out with y'all!!! we'd ahve a blast!!! sadly the King is at work so nope he wont be going!
its ok Malls arent his thing(mine either actually but i LOVE spending time with my son) so...... off to shower and get pretty LOL thats funny!!!
ETA i cant spell am excited about SS getting our squares and the spring swap......ohhhhh yea i know what imma makeing!!!!
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AHA !!!
Red Sovine sang daddy's girl. Elvis sang don't cry momma. Right? Was sleeping last nite, and sat up with one of those oh yeah... moments.

Okies, got tons to do if I'm gonna survive today.
Jim wants fish and chips for dinner.. fried fish, fried taters. Alyssa wants him to wait til she gets home before he dresses out two ringneck pheasants for Saturday dinner. Although, I think I will eat the leftover lasagna, or maybe even the meatloaf from last night.

LC, I want that one you made. It looks snuggly!! That is the perfect thing to curl up in to read a good book with a cup of hot cocoa.

Hey Scoot, grab me something good while you're out shoppin!
Jim wants fish and chips for dinner

LOOOOOOVVVVEEE fish & chips!!! Globs of tarter sauce too!!! Beef o Brady's makes some good fish n chips and we eat there occassionally,,yummy!!! Might have to head your way after shopping with the Queen..tell Hippy Jim to save me some!!​

LC that shaw is beauitful I love the pattern

Well it's 50 here this morning but the weather calls for 39 - 40 tomarrow figures weekend gets colder with chance of rain/snow brrr

Well check back in shortly got bus duty
Morning everyone!!!

Still working on my unpacking and putting everything away from the move. I just have't been very motivated, but I NEED to get it done before it causes my depression to nose dive. So that's priority, but I'd rather be crocheting

SE~ I'll likely join the swap. I'll also make you a button for the swap, as I did for the fall one. Got a cute "spring" looking one in mind. Give me a couple of days and I'll get it done. Sure wish Nifty would turn on the html code in signatures, we could all put the button there.

See y'all later!
Yeah, Queen Scoot found one of Sk's missing fairies. Should have known it would take command from the Queen to bring unruly fairies out of hiding. And she is such a pretty one too
all hale the Queen
Have a wonderful time with your boy shopping Queen.

Ohhh Sk can i come with SE for Fish & Chips too? Yummm
I love good fish. Sk send some moving fairies to help Amy unpack Please.
yeah sorry about that. I forgot to warn you that whenever fairies, elves or other mythical creatures of any persuasion head this way, they tend to get giddy. No wonder none of my housework gets done!

Here's some morning cuteness:(I had to edit what the chick was saying...add your favorite web expression (eg LMBO) to caption before "mom".)


Have a great day!
Oh those dirty messmaking elves have been here, got up this morning and house is a mess, but it was clean when I went to bed. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
oh well me and my crocheting farie will get it cleaned up and then will start working on crafty stuff again. its been rainy here so not much out side stuff which is driving dh nuts as he says when I crochet and craft I set up camp in my recliner and pretty much don't move or do anything else for the rest of the day. LOL. well thats ok with me I am happy. well I must go up to the saw mill and get some cedar shavings to put down in the hen barn, one of my hens I picked up last night had mights so I must dust and cedar the barn. and chickens and then take off the trash and do a few other things then I made a batch of cookie dough last night so I need to get that cooked up before me and the girls eat all the dough and have nothing left to make cookies. so I will continue working on the pics got them taken now just have to finish the uploading downloading thing. and I do have a dig camera but when I load the pic on the puter then try to upload to photobucket it takes 30mins per pic to upload cus of the size but those cell phone pics load in 1 second. remember ya'll I still use the dinosour dial-up out my way, still waiting for the dsl and the money to get it. LOL. well I will post ya later. PS i am still waiting on one box to get here as she said it is in the mail so after that I will start getting the boxes out to you. Maw.
Well, I'm at the halfway done with the last row. YAYYYYY almost time to start something new!

Just need to sober up my dishes fairy. Got our water bucket thing for the incubator today, need to get that washed up and ready to install. Oh the resiviour tank I'm being told. To make sure we don't open the door too much. Very dry air this time of year here, our humidity is like below the lowest it can go. lol Every day we add another gallon to the incub.

Will have pics of the finished uhh project here in a few hours.
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