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Thanks for the warm welcome....

skand, I love that prayer shawl on the Vanna White model!

With all the talk about fairies flyin' around, I want to throw my missing fairy in the mix. Her name is the 'mini-van fairy'. This fairy drops off and picks up at all soccer practices, Brownie Meetings, 4-H meets, drives me to and from work AND runs errands for me. I'm assuming she is on strike or has moved to one of your homes?? I'd pay to get her back.

Anyway, I'm happy to be here! The Secret Santa should be fun, I've never done a swap or anything like this before, so I'm excited!
Well thankies everyone on my toilet seat warmer! After I get it done (hopefully tomarrow), I just might call it a prayer shawl. LOL
SE, I thought generosity was a good thing! lol

ACK! I've got a song stuck in my head, can't get it out. Who sang Daddy's girl? Was it Elvis? Or Red Sovine? My mom used to play those records all the time when I was growing up, so I can't remember who sang what. I know Red Sovine used to have all those trucker type songs, phantom 309, teddy bear. Thought there was one similar to it that Elvis sang, just can't think of it.
Come on all you Elvis fans, I know yall know every song he ever sang... lol
No but I started some Claritin D & that seems to be helping. Thank you for all the get wells.

That doesn't look at all like a toilet cover! Very Pretty & the stitches are so nice, but it looks like the end you got stitch happy & that is why it has the funny shape...OR in the middle you didn't put enough!!
Looks like you will have to make your daughter one.

Queen hope our hubby gets well soon! Nothing like a sick hubby, I'd rather one of the kids or gradbabies was sick!

Welcome NewChickFam!!!!

LC, lets see pic's!!

I believe that was Elvis.

Question on swap...why do we need to send a SASE??
Yeah, the Queen still reigns on the Bling. We Thank You And so glad your DH is feeling better.

Well SK No fairies have been at my house the kitchen was still a wreck when I got home so had to clean it before starting supper

The bedroom is a mess, and Oh Well, ya leave a sick whinny man at home and what do ya think your gona come home to.

I am soo glad I don't have company coming over. jeezz

I think I might just print out a pattern and start on my SS tonight and forget about the rest of it.

Did I miss wishing newchickfamily

You'll just see we are just normal dull
folks around here nothing weird or funny goes on here.

EastTN good to see you are back up running I hope you and DH can get through the rough seas with the inlaws OK.
Sure messes with Holidays Sorry.

Maw if ya find a good pattern for that straight jacket let me try it out I know a Deputy I would like to put in One
. I'm just glad I'm home.

Hey Nochicks when are ya moving? ya might of said I just don't remember. And did ya say that there was a small garden area for ya to use? Woo hoo.

Well gals I'm going to work on the SS and try to get so R&R. And maybe some chocolate Well I'm off to find my pattern for the SS. Check ya ll later
When you mail your shapes we are asking that you pack them in ziplock bags with your username/realname on them and that you also include a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope and enough return postage. Most of use will send ours in the bags in a small postal box.
When you have finished your Shapes pm the swap organizer and they will pm you their Mailing address to where you will need to send your Shapes.


Send your crocheted shapes in ziplock bags with your screen name. You are required to send $10.00 for flat rate postage when you send in your shapes. Thanks so much!!!!!!

Karan that bon bon gif is so dang cool!!!!!

Hi Steph!!!!! We miss you when you're gone girl!!! Hang out with us more

Recruit, recruit, recruit hookers!!!! Freinds, family, social group associates....tell them about our swap, love to have them
Y'all crack me up......I need a cleaning fairy over here if anyone knows where I can get one. I should be crocheting right now, but I'm having problems prying myself away from BYC......grrrrr

I would love to join the Secret Santa, but I have already WAAAYYYY over-extended myself this year. I volunteered to make hat/scarf sets for a local girls home, plus I have some commissioned items to make, plus all the gifts for family.....the list goes on.

Ok, back to work....thanks for laughs.....
Wow! I was away for a few hours and there are two new pages to read. You girls are very chatty today!
Skand - love the pic! It really doesn't look too bad - like others said, just looks like you added a few stitches there. Great for a first try! And I'm sure Ms. Naomi will love it.
And btw - I haven't seen the new show on Discovery, but what do you mean WE talk funny? Last time I listened to anyone around here, WE sound normal! ** True story - a few years ago, we went to Maine for a short vacation. Went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and a very sweet man asked me lots of questions, just so he could hear my "beautiful" accent! **
If any of ya'll see that cleaning fairy, please send her my way. I would love to get up in the morning & find that my kitchen & den are all straightened up! I think the fairies' evil cousins have been here, seeing how much of a mess they can make. Who would guess that such a mess can be made when there are only three people in the house???
I haven't forgotten the pics. DH is working on them right now, and I should have them in just a few minutes.
Ok SE I changed it, check it out and see if I got it all worded right as I had a few hot toties this evening to relax me and my back muscles from all the holiday stress.
. well ladies I am off to dream of something good I hope so I will chit chat with ya'll later. Maw.
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