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Welcome lovemychix I must have been diving in the yarn bucket when you joined us, so heres a great BIG WELCOME!!!!!
and you'll get the hooking down in no time, we'll make sure of that, as we llllooooovvvvvee to help someone start a new hooking addiction!!! LOL :>

well I am going to work on mommahens hat and hooking up some slipcovers to go on the two new dog beds I just made, and the going to try and hot glue my fingers togather again today, yes I have done that many a times, I now have very tough fingers LOL!!!

So I have my second cup a coffee almost drank, tossed dh out to go get me a deer for the freezer that we just got, got Hamburger Soup on the stove brewing for lunch and grandma is taking Haley the oldest christmas shopping so I will have plenty of quite time to figure out how to write these patterns down.

I will also have a new craft to post about this evening but I must make it first to work out all the kinks, that way it will be safe for others to try, aka no more hot glued fingers that way.

well I am off to play I will post ya'll in a bit Maw.
Everyone is all so cheerful today, I don't want to ruin it with how utterly and horribly stupid I am.... *sigh* but I need some "hooker hugs" soooo I am going to tell you anyway.

First of all: Welcome lovemychix!
You will love it here. And these gals taught me how to crochet in a month about... I was kind of slow.

And now for my stupid human trick: All of my lack of focus and distractions culminated today in this one act. I almost burned the house down and asphyxiated my chicks and myself. *sigh*
I left a pan with oil in it on the stove.
Just turned it on and walked away to do something else which involved looking at or talking to, or tickling my chicks. I got the fire put out and a blanket over the brooder pretty quickly then I got the brooder into Hannah's room and shut the door and I am still trying to clear out the house of smoke.

Now I just hope that I can eventually move my chickies back to the living room where they will be easier to get to and spend time with.

On a funnier note, my big chickens thought the snow was another form of torture from The Food Lady. (me)... it was pretty funny. I had to shovel them a path. spoiled little misses. Love the hat, your majesty! The color is perfect for Hannah's hat, btw...she just needs one a little warmer.
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oh no Rocket!!!! glad that you are ok....we all get the CRS syndrome!!!
heres some



for you. thats the color of her het just not her hat in the working on her a cute winter one.
Thanks Scoot! I needed those.

The hat will be so wonderful!

So anyone ever want a brooder big enough to sit in? I really want one.
heh... I should convert my closet or something into the nursery so that I can just walk in and sit with my peeps...
I got it!! I've done about 12 rows perfectly of single crochet.

My hands hurt had to take a break. I will show it after I'm done.
I'm so proud of myself. It's going to make a perfect little cast iron skillet scrubber.
I made a brooder room in my coop. I love to sit out there with them. I think they like to come up to you. My buttercups and hamburgs jump up on my lap.
Our coop isn't warm enough for the babies yet so now I am wandering around the house wondering which room I can convert.
I so want them to come hop in my lap and I know Hannah would love it too.

Skand, where are you
-ing today? Just curious if we have a game of hide and seek going.

After my fiasco with the stove, I probably should hide. But everyone is ok and the worst thing that happened is that now I small a bit like a burnt pancake.
Ris, I am so glad you are okay and no really bad damage! Other than the heart skipping a few beats!!!! (And smelling like a pancake)

lovemychix, nice job!
Keep up the good work. I love to crochet! It is relaxing to me.
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