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i KNEW you could do it!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTT!!
lovemychix As you have already found the gals here are very helpful and are always ready to have new freinds join the Crochet Hookers Corner.
Great job on your crocheting

We have a Party good time here Sk is usually our party director... Where is she????

Rocket Wow
Better to smell like a burnt pancake than look like one. Shuuueeeww, Glad all is Ok

Nice hat Queen Scoot. Maybe one of these years I will be brave enough to try one. You sure can knit some pretty mittens too. Now that is talent
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AWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwww ya do love me!!!
hehe Sorry, wasn't hiding, was running errands. What ya mean, ya couldn't tell?! lol
Alyssa had a physical therapy eval this morning, so I left here at lil before 10:30, just now walked thru the door, and sat down. ughhh
starting to sound like an old lady, huffin and puffin just to bend my knees , lol.
After her evaluation, I had to take her and get her some lunch, btw, NEVER plan any kind of appointment for a kid during thier school lunch time! They always run way past time, and then you have to wait for someplace closeby to fix the food, by then, it's too hot for a kid to chug it down on the way back to school! Poor kid, she's gonna starve! All she got to eat of her lunch was 1 chicken strip and some soda. I ate the rest, shhh dun tell her!
Went to wally-world afterwards, got food for a few days, I refuse to wal-mart after tuesday afternoon!!!!!!! Well, untill Friday morning, then all bets are off. I AM the buggy slammin into you!!!

Great job on the rows lovemychix! Now make a belt to go with the headband! hehehe
Hey Risu.. we took a storage shed and turned it into the nursery...
No need a brooder when ya gots a nursery. lol Only bad thing, you have to put shoes on to go see the babies.
OOOOOO Scoot, Have I got some bling you would want! hehehehe
It even jingles and jangles.

AND SHINY TOOO! hehehe I love wal-mart...sometimes
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Skand! whew. you were busy. Me I was playing pyromaniac and trying out the new scent of burnt pancake ala burnt popcorn via hot oil in a frying pan while walking away to peek at chickies. I know I am going to get some kind of comment from Hannah when she gets home.
I see I have to go get her now.

I don't have any outbuildings left to use for a nursery either.
Awww wearing shoes into the coop is no fun. I love the feel of chicken feet on my feet. Yup, I am weird.

Almost done with SS project! wheeee I can't wait to have at least *one* project done completely. I have a whole lot of them finished will be nice.
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lol Alyssa's pt is because she's her mother's spittin image AND with the added bonus..ta-da!...absolutely NO grace or coordination!!!
I was tryin hard not to laugh at the inability to do any of the balancing. But, now I know what it is I need to do to work with her. Standing on one foot, eyes open and closed, jumping jacks (she looks like a jumping candlestick, arms straight up above her head) and strength core training, pushups, sit-ups and that one where your on yer belly, looking like superman flying. Then again, working with her would give me added bonus too. Good reason to start another project, yoga..... hehe
OOO speaking of new projects... I've got a bet..Only, Scoot's not invited ...hehe you can be a judge..
Who all is a non-sewer??
I bought a $50 singer sewing machine today at wal-mart. It's called the pixie, or something like that.. it's purple! Anyways, I want someone to learn with me. It can be a lil project, more then one person, learning togather, comparing ideas?
Did I also mention, it does like more then one thing?Check it out, let me know..
Got my squares today!!!!

Poor mailbox was crammed full, too. My BYC teeshirt came in today's mail as well. Poor mail lady.

It's miserable cold and rainy here. Leaves you with that lovely DAMP feeling.

Me going back to work has thrown a serious monkey wrench in our finely tuned household machine, LOL.

I work all day and come home to a holy mess, cook dinner, do laundry, close up the chickens, load the dishwasher, and try to get the kids bathed and in bed at a decent time so I can crash into bed exhausted to do it all again tomorrow!!

At least now I'm getting paid to be tired all the time!

The squares are all beautiful, ladies. I **SO** need the pattern for jenjscott's squares! It's one I've never seen before!!

Well, gotta go get my boy from his Gramma, and then go get my girl from Scouts, and then run to the grocery store 'cause we're outta milk.

NO sc, dc, yo !!! NO I say! I'm gonna have nightmares now of hooker lingo land.

LOL because, you already know how to sew, so you would win!
Unless of course, you have to learn something new with someone else. Throw you off your comfort throne er zone. lol
I want to learn how to sew, without the fear of sending broken needles in my eye. I really ought to hunt down my home ec teacher for instilling fear. Same with the horseback riding teacher that made me fear horses so badly. To this day, I look at a horse's tail and break out in goosebumps. I was taught to never ever , for any reason whatsoever go around the back of a horse. *shudder*
I will post a pic of my finished project but I do have one question. My ends seem to fold I doing it too tight? or do little projects like dishclothes seem to do that with single crochet? Just wondering if I need to loosen up? I know I do in life but that's another story.
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