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That just appears to happen with crochet. Once the squares get stitched down into something else I think it goes away. My corners were all curled. It can depend on the yard.

Yay! Squares are arriving. So cool. Pics Pics! Can't wait to get mine. I think I am going to make some kind of cozy blanket...I might have to save my spring ones to add to it, so it is big enough.

My eyes are still burny from my fiasco this afternoon, but all the chicks seem fine and dandy. I am nervous about one of my hens...have had her for months now and she's always had a swollen face/eye, ever since I got her... She doesn't smell, she eats fine and drinks fine. but I ran across a thread that has a pic that looks like her...but none of my other hens have ever gotten anything from her...
I don't want to cull her and I don't have anywhere to separate her...sorry, babbling... I would post about it to the other thread, but well...I am really just venting to my hookin' family here...the other threads tend to get too intense for me with their diagnoses and stuff.

I am going to go work on my SS project some more. Told you I was slow...
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I figured that using cotton didn't maybe I'm not pulling all that tight after all!! Just need advice... I hate to get into bad habits. Actually it looks really nice and my daughter thinks I'm a miracle worker because I did that little bit of crochet. She wants to learn but she's just 6 and I still have learning to do.
Oh honey I taught my 3 yr old to crochet, so we can teach the both of you, great mommey daughter time. My 7 yr old is starting to show me up though she made a scarf and boy was it nice better than the one I made my first time 9 yrs ago or so. I tell you what I couldn't be a prouder or happier mom, today haley handed me her christmas list today and on it among the many toys and cloths and robots and books and jewelry, and animals (live) was a kniffy-knitters loom set in hot pink!!! LOL
I was so thrilled!!!!! but when I looked at wal-mart today all they had were dull colors so now I need to find a hot pink set.
So I have gotten no hooking done today as I was forced to go christmas shopping too, as little sis got very upset that big sis was getting to spend time with two grandma's and all she got to spend time with was dull boring ole maw. So when we got to wal-mart we changed their pennys in to cash, 40.00 between the two of them, and then haley big sis went with grandma and blaylee little sis went with me. so I spent the day at wal-mart and the we ate pizza and had braums frozen yogart ice cream and by the time I got home I was stuffed and sleepy so we cleaned some house and then laid down for a 2 hour nap. SO now that I have gotten them bathed and have fussed with the puter which wants to keep shuttig off in the middle of reading posts I am kinda caught up.

chix congrats on the potholder , see you can do it and yes they will curl up at times, but as you gt better and better and learn the different stitches you will find the ones that work better, but single crochet tends to want to curl up on you.

Glad to hear the squares are making it out in a timely fashion, I didn't get any out today but will get more out tomorrow, a few at a time and then they will all be gone and I can start to rearrange my yarn room again. New closet and all!!!! I was thinking about making me a yarn shelf headboard type thing to go above the bed that I am going to put in that room, that way I can still use it as a guestroom and still have plenty of space to stash my yarn, and make it all tie togather in a nice looking way. Cuz I so love to look at my yarn instead of having to dive into the buckets and bushels and barrels and boxes and bags. LOL!!!! So why not may a headboard shelf type thing! and then I can display all my hooks and notions. and such.
well anywhos I am off to go play with my balls
my yarn balls sk!!!! LOL. well post ya'll later Maw.
I figured that it would curl up with the single stitch... it's tighter and as soon as I get this down my daughter will know how too...we do everything together. She is so great. She insisted we get chickens at her age. We had nothing to start with for a coop but mom made it work out
. I have always loved chickens and grew up on an actual chicken farm...yes with all the culling.

My daughter loves these chickens!! I just never thought we could actually have a flock in our yard and now we do and are so happy!!
Hey gals sounds like ya all been buzy buzy. We just got in from shopping also at about 10:30 We had a visitation to go to then hit Home Depot, AceHardware, TSC was closed, Chinese for supper (yum) and WalMarts. Boy is my bank account as tired as I am.

DH forgot to get the mail today, and he had my keys so I couldn't. But I hoping my squares will be there for me in the morning.
Hey I did post this on the Marans thread but you all maybe able to help and not get soooo Breed typical straned

I have an egg puzzle I hope someone can help me with. I have currently 1 RIR hen, 4 Buff Orps, 6 Cuckoo Marans pullets, and 3 pullets that look to be Cuckoo Marans mixed? as they have yellow legs and beaks. Total of 16 females. The rest are Roos, the RIR and the 4 Buffs are the hens we have been getting eggs from all this year. Some pink, light brown and brown, even 1 or 2 that were almost white. But today here are the eggs.


I have No Idea WHere the Blue one came from........?????
Which gal do ya think layed this one??? Any guesses??
I'm sure puzzled.

I'm going to go to bed to think and dream on it.

Lovemychix Good work with the crocheting, see ya catching on quicker than ya thought.
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Looks like one of your Cuckoo Maran mixes has some EE in her.
And it looks like you will have a lovely Easter basket.

I got caught up with my SS project when I really should be

It's nearly done though...I am so excited! but I am really going to go to bed now.



chilly one here today! not sure what im gonna do with my squares...i was thinking a friendship pillow case but i dunno.....


well off to do chores ttfn!!!
Karen, I think you have a lil EE in with your mix, or a rogue chicken that likes to snuggle up with yours. lol
Cause the egg color is totally the hens fault, so it cant be the male that makes them colored. Just think of the savings when Easter rolls around. No more egg dye or vinegar smell!!!
Aint it funny how it's just so much easier and friendlier to post a question here then it is most other places? I found it's easier to have a view and opinions here, everywhere else wants to get all technical and emotional . Jeeezzz-Louise, have a sense of humor!!
luvmychix, aint it wonderful to be a miracle worker/awesome mom in the eyes of your kids. Caydence, my 3 yr old, thinks I am the super-uuber coolest cause I can take a big old ball of yarn, and turn it into stuff.
Decided last night, I really need to work on stuff for the kiddos Christmas. Most other projects I have started can be paused till I get the girls' stuff done. Yeah right, tell that to someone who Likes starting. Them dang ole curly turds!!
Maw, Alyssa came home with a thing yesterday from school. They have a Holiday Fair, it's where the kids save up money, then before Christmas break, they go into a room where they have inexpensive things that the kids can spend the money they've saved up, and with a list of who all in the family, they get to pick out and pay for presents for everyone. I think it's an awesome idea, even if the school doesn't do that, maybe having an aunt, or grammie can help with your youngest? Who knows.
I've been banished!!
Oh the pain!!
ACK! @&^*&^ the agony!!
I beg your Majesty!! PARDON!!
nub- Blobs, slubs, or nerds of material in a thread or yarn that give it an interesting textured effect.
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Special hooks are used that are much longer than ordinary hooks to make room for the large number of stitches. It is very important to check the number of stitches on the hook at the end of each row from right to left, because it is very easy to sk the last st at the end of the row.<-- I follow, up to the last comma, it is very easy to what the where at the end? lol
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