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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! My DH just left to go pick up his mother. It's an hour there and back, so I have 2 hours of bliss before she arrives.

DH got the stuffing ready to go and I will be working on the green bean casserole next.

The chickens are going to have quite a feast with all the extra treats leftover!

I am thankful for my new friends here at BYC! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those with difficult families, may the day go quickly!
We've had that problem too. Our oldest Alyssa, had RSV when she was , ugh, born 29th of oct., hospitilized jan 3, so 2 1/2 months. Spent 3 days in an oxygen tent in the hosp. Was told she would have asthma. Me and Jim smoke, outside only, but my gram is the world's worst chain smoker. We had the no she isn't going over, it's too hard for her lungs, well, that's basically slapping people with a fish around here. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Guess what, kiss our boodies. We'll do our holiday, and if you come over, keep your mouth shut. lol

I think it makes us more thankful for what we have, when you don't have the distraction of family making you wish you weren't thankful for them.
Turkey's in the oven. I made a quick stuffing of cornbread, sausage with onions, and chicken stock. Now we have like way too much stuffin. lol
Ok ladies, dinner is done and the dishwasher is a runnin'! Here's what it looked like:

It tasted great! This is DH and DD, John and Emily! Hope yours was yummy too!
We've had a great day. No in-laws yet (that's tomorrow). Fed over 700 @ church today - twice what we fed last year!!
And we brought plates home for our supper. I'm working on Christmas stuff - got SS about 1/2 done, with only a little left to do for the rest.
Ooh - found a great, easy, new recipe today! Open 1 can of crescent rolls, lay them out flat on a pan & press the edges together. Mix together 8 oz. softened cream cheese, 1 c. sugar, and 1/2 tsp vanilla. Spread over the crescent rolls. Open another can of crescents, lay them out flat over the cream cheese & seal the edges together. Spread w/1 tbs. melted butter and sprinkle w/cinnamon sugar. Bake @ 350 for 25 - 30 min. Cut in small squares. It's yummy warm or cold!!!
Ya'll enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!

Today has been a very nice, peaceful day. We've had a wonderful meal, and we had a ball fixing it! I even had plenty of time to let the kids really get in the kitchen and help out, which was so nice! UsuallyI'm down to the wire, but not this year! I think I'm really going to like the tradition of not going to anyone elses house!

I am very thankful for my husband & children! God has truely blessed me beyond measure!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful day!
well I am now stuffed instead of the turkey! LOLOLOLOLOOL! bet he's glad! we had ham and turkey but I don't eat turkey as it always makes me sleepy. well the kids had a great time and played and played and I was feeling great until I got home and took my shower and now my head is killing me, so I will be off to bed shortly, and then off to shopp at wally worlds sale at 5 am and then off to mcalester ok to pick up the new puppys for the girls so ya'll have a wanderful evening and gals I love ya gals your the best bunch of hookin friends a gal could ever have. Maw.
Thought I'd pop in and say "hi" It's almost 3:30 here. Turkey is about done and we're starting to get the other stuff ready to go in the second oven. Taking a moment to
from MIL, although she has been OK so far!

Happy Thanksgiving! We are all so blessed, even if we have things to complain about from time to time. I'm thankful for my family, friends, our health and our jobs!! (my chickens too!
Is that wine? We had Miller lite for adult cocktail or 77's. How classy!!
I always like to get the adults full of cocktails so the poker game goes in my favor. It's almost like they buy their own xmas gifts.

My chix are so full of leftovers. We had about 35 people and kids plus I cleaned the fridge out before with leftover to make more room for leftovers. They are so full they are leaning sideways. Talk about full crops. The babie chicks had yams and noodles. Plus after everyone left with empty pockets.
I went and cleaned both coop areas. My chix are so lucky!!! Flyer is so full she actually looks likes the turkey.
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After eating I took a pepid and some gas ex and now I think I'm ready for some pie.
I can't wait for Sat. our big Iowa chicken show. I'm going to learn so much. We are on a mission for some silkies. My daughter didn't want to trade any of her chicks.
She's the boss.
Just for the chickens. She loves are babes. Shopping afterwards I'm just scared she's going to poop out on me after the show. She likes to shop but all day is going to be hard on her. Hopefully we find what she calls teddy bear chickens=silkies.

By the way: The hat pattern....If she let's me I am taking my camera.
lovemychix is on one heck of a mission! Go get that hat, heck, just make sure you get lots of different pics, that way she hasnt a clue what your really up to!
Have fun with your lil girl, just be glad she's not as big as my 6 yr old, 4'5', 75+ lbs. And she always wants to be carried, cause I can still hoist up Caydence, 3 ft, maybe 40 lbs. lol

ooo my pumpkin pie is soooo goood. There's a reason the pilgrims made it with real pumpkin. lol
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