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Good morning all! Wow Darlene - I thought I was up early.

Congrats Okiemommy - I am also glad its you and not me. I have six grown children, and am enjoying the grandkids (7 with stepgrands included), and can send them home when I get tired

Karan, thanks for Erin's link - I must have missed it. Your afghan looks beautiful, I am sure your granddaughter will love it. I am making my granddaughter some leg warmers (shades of the past) and some wrist warmers.

Well, I am off to pick up my grandson and get out to the farm (40 mins. from my house) and put up plastic on the barn. It is only 26 degrees here in Northeast Ohio the am - I am wearing my long johns!

Will check in later.

Well, I am off to pick up my grandson and get out to the farm (40 mins. from my house) and put up plastic on the barn. It is only 26 degrees here in Northeast Ohio the am - I am wearing my long johns!

Holy cow and I am whining about the 50's!!! Dropped my puppy of and those sad eyes broke my heart!!! Man I hope she does well!!!

Have a warm day everyone, off to make breakfast..where has Shanah been this weekend???​
Okiemommy!!! Congratulations!!! I saw the cutest baby yesterday-a slight preemie, but after a week in neonatal, he was home, at about 4 pounds!!

SE- I know your little darling will be fine! they are so sore when they come home, so they are REALLY snuggly! Make sure they give you some pain medication-- and get some for the puppy, too!!!!! Although that stuff on your counter would fix almost anything!!!

Maw, CUTE!! I bet the girls are fit to be tied!! They can make clothes for them!!

No squares here, yet:( Maybe today!!

We were supposed to go riding today, but DH is not feeling well, since we spent Thanksgiving day moving stuff out of my father's house....I found a lot of stuff.... 30-40 YEARS worth!! The people who are buying the house already have the kitchen GUTTED.

I hear the welder running, so the guys are here working on my stallion pen!

Better go feed the horses and chickens!!

well gals Hope everyone has a warm saturday, as mine will be wet, with to large puppie to bath today and then blow dry LOL!!!

Congrats Okiemommy on the bun in the roaster, so it seems you will have your hands for for quite a few more years! LOL!!!!

Se I am praying for your puppy to come through her surgrey alright please keep us posted!!!

I love the ghan with circles, I will someday get around to making one but for now hats, and scarfs and dishcloths to be done, and then I must finish my window ghan as I hear we may get nasty weather hear soon, which is purfect weather for hooking
well I am off to drink a pot o coffee and get ready to be drowned.

Ris come out come out where ever you are!!!!!!
oh here she is under this chair again!!!!!. LOL love ya gals Maw.
lol I'm thinking there's gonna be a bunch of baby afghans heading to okiemommy's soon.
Who needs a spring swap when we can make baby stuff?!
Purr...tell your granbaby to stay in til friday!!!!!! C'mon! I have to share my birthday with somebody!!! Only my step-nephew so far, and he's no fun... Imagine a 14 yr old boy, yeah see, not so much fun. lol
Ugh, see this is why I don't care so much for the end of the year, my bday ruins it every time. lol
Thank you for the well wishes and congratulations ladies!

That goes for me double, No I mean triple, Not that I'm saying that your having triplets just sooo happy for you and your family.

ha ha That possibilityis in the forefront of our minds though.

we'll see in about 3 months

I hope everything stays well and You will keep us posted? Right? CONGRADULATIONS Boy that will be one house full of love and diapers Congrats again

Yep I will keep you posted

When the twins were born we had three in diapers and my DD potty trained about a year ago and we were sooooo happy!!!

That's a cool afghan too!

Did anyone happen to see the sale on yarn at Micheals? I think that it is still on sale until the end of today. You know until this board I didn't know about all of the new yarn that's out now b/c my husband banned me from buying more yarn.

So I never went and looked...WOW there is some really cool yarn out there now! My problem is that I don't know what kind of yarn to use for what project. Do you always have to buy the yarn that they suggest? I like to buy the yarn but then I don't use it, because can't find a project will work with it. (Hence the banning) ^_^ I LOVE the colors of the Vanna's Choice yarn

Congrats Okiemommy - I am also glad its you and not me. I have six grown children, and am enjoying the grandkids (7 with stepgrands included), and can send them home when I get tired big_smile big_smile

alpaca and chicks rule...ah that time will come soon enough ^_^ I have a friend that everytime someone gets pregnant she is beside herself excited that she isn't pregnant anymore, and that they are done having kids. (she had some really hard pregnancies as well as three miscarriages)
So I lovingly tolerate her incessant neener neeners!

Congratulations to you to Purr!

greentree, our twins were two months early and they were born at 4 lbs 5 oz, and 5 lbs even(which is huge for 32 weekers) but to think I was terrified of my first when he was 7 lbs 9 oz!

Yep Maw my husband told me that he was going to call me one day and tell me he was going to be late coming home from work. Where would he be? Outpatient services in the hospital. That's okay honey. There's still adoption

lol I'm thinking there's gonna be a bunch of baby afghans heading to okiemommy's soon.
Who needs a spring swap when we can make baby stuff?!


Hey I slept in
, that doesn't get to happen for me very much.

But now I am really into the cup as it seems to take more to get me going when I get up later. Or maybe it's because.........

Sounds like everyone has had a good Thanksgiving. We have a big dinner coming up tomarrow .

Maw enjoy your Puppies, I know those are wonderful dogs, Our Angel was the same color, and she was beautiful, and very loving and good watch dog.

SE I am sure your little loving pup will be fine, she will be home snuggling with ya in no time.

Okie again Congrats on the new baby (babies) thanks for letting us do this pregnancy through you, (so we don't have to) and enjoy it and all it's sweetness and surprises.

Greentree congrats on getting a stallion pen built. I know how much work that is.

Purr Congrats on the upcoming new baby, give the little one some kisses from us

Alpaca chick you are welcome, I love that square pattern too. Really pretty.

I am going to give you this early so we can get started on the party plans. Just a little taste, don't spoil the party.

Hey where is Rocket??? I didn't think they were leaving out of town were they?
Or did I miss something?

Thanks gals for all the complements on the afghan I have been kinda struggling with it but Now I think I have got the kinks worked out.

Well I have had 4 cups of coffee and my cinnamon roll oatmeal, so I must get to work at the greenhouse a lot of dirt to move before it decides to rain here 20% chance this morning but 60% chance late this afternoon. So gota get a raised bed cleaned to make room for our composed dirt. I'm singing I'm goina go play in the dirt ......I'm goina go play in the dirt.......

catch Ya all later
Okie ~ Congratulations on the new edition(s)!!! New babies are awesome (late nights, dirty diapers, & all!!!)!!!

No squares here, yet!
After seeing those pics, I'm more impatient than ever!!
Oh, well. Hoping for Monday now!

Ladies, I'm exhausted!! I've picked up some kind of tummy bug and was in the bathroom ALL NIGHT LONG!!! I'd rather be up with a baby! LOL I'm very weak today, but I've got jello in the fridge and will be pushing the clear liquids today. If I'm doing better by evening, I might try some applesauce. OK, I'm off to rest. I'll check back in later!
Thanks EastTNchick!! I hope you get to feeling better soon! What a bummer!!! I hate the stomach bug

Okie again Congrats on the new baby (babies) thanks for letting us do this pregnancy through you, (so we don't have to) and enjoy it and all it's sweetness and surprises.

ha ha ha My friends are teasing me about triplets
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