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Told the doctor when he delivered Caydence at 3am, Go home and get some rest, you have a tubal scheduled for the morning.
He asked if I was sure, did I not want to try for a boy, told him, heck no! I have a step-son, close enough for me!!
After finally getting the girls potty trained and out of sippy cups, all I have left is to get Caydence in school next year, get her outta pull-ups at night, and get those dang ole bad dreams to quit waking her up. Man, I really want to sleep without a baby moniter!!!!!!!
I love babies, don't even care bout the spitups, dirty diapers, just LOVE being able to hand them back to THIER mommies!!!
Btw, I am a darn good babysitter! Chocolate at 8 am? Sure! Just don't tell your mom!

Me thinks Risu got caught up in the backwoods holiday, and either forgot where she lives, or forgot bout all the new technology.. hehehe
Okay, time for me to go hide over here with my cake Karen gave me.. shh dun tell anyone where I am...---->
No squares for me either but it's raining and I swear my mailman will not walk to the porch in the rain!! I have some corks from ebay due and my squares and I would not be surprised if they weren't on my porch monday night when I get home..if it's sunny that is!!!

Banfield called (the vet in Petsmart) and said my puppy did well in the surgery and she is sleeping off the anesthesia, they will call me about 4 to pick her up..they asked me if I wanted them to pull her baby teeth for $68.00!!! I said, gulp, no thanks, I'll give her a pigs' ear and hope they fall out on their own!!!! Dang!!! Should have been a vet!!!!!

Congrats Purr on the grandson!!!! Travis had a good friend growing up named Garrett, he is an awesome baseball player and a nice looking boy, wish the same on yours

I like the baby crochet idea, maybe we can think of something fun to do for the hooker babies!!! Doesn't take long to make a baby blanket, those preemie donation ones I did went really fast, I'll put that on my project schedule after Christmas....that and my circles!! Still haven't touched that chocolate caron, haven't had time with the hooch making, the crocheting, the soap making and the cork wreathing, whew, glad when Christmas is over!!! Erin just left to go back to her apartment in Raleigh..with a giant cooler full of leftovers. It was a nice visit with her...and nothing has changed at all since I still had to go make a path in her room when she left!!!!

Happy puppy washing Maw and Betsy, do not stay gone so long again girl!!!! Nice to see the hookers that stray from the corner!!!
OMGooosh This is Saturday
These Holiday weekends always mess me up Our Family Dinner is Today!!!!!

This happened to me last year too....

At least i got my pumpkin pie in the oven and it's almost ready to come out

Just down to the wire that's me....

Well no worries about fixin lunch

See ya gals later... at least I did get some dirt work done

Okie - congrats on the future addition!!! Best wishes for a smooth pregnancy! And, purr, I'm jealous! Enjoy the new grand! We keep waiting to hear that ds & ddil are expecting, but not yet. It'll be in God's time, I know. And ds just got laid off about 2 weeks ago, so it's really not a good time for them now anyway. Maybe soon, though.
Maw - the puppies are so pretty - hope you & the girls enjoy them! We had a good laugh this morning. Our husky mix followed our bil out from hunting, and grabbed his hunting cap. She showed up in our yard tossing it around, and you could tell it was the best toy she's ever stolen!
Somehow, Darrell didn't think it was so funny. Go figure!
Some of the best toys for laughs are never bought or made, they are always stolen! It's like the best joke, is never made up, it just happens.
We sold 19 chicks yesterday, and another 19 today. Yay, now come buy the rest people, we got lots! Think I'll send LC about 2 dozen eggs, see how many "accidently" hatch. LOL

Karen, if all else fails, send the guests here, then they will never complain again if everything isn't ready at your house. First, they'd get lost. (where'd she send us..Texas?!) Then, they'd complain, (what?! no dinner table?) our's broke last year... See, you would be the perfect hostess, even with half the food ready. lol

Ok, back to hiding over there <-----
Not to brag girls, but....

I GOT MY SQUARES!!!! hee!hee!

Been driving my mailman nuts asking about a box for me! I couldn't wait to open it when he stopped me today on the way home from the Christmas parade this afternoon! I was walking home and checking out all the goodies! Oh! How beautiful they ALL are!!!! I am so happy! Thank you ALL!

Gonna have to clear my project table and start making my friendship shawl! Will take pictures of it when I'm done! Thank you.. Thank you!!

Bring on the Spring Swap! I am already thinking about what I'm gonna do with the next batch! hahahaha!

SE: My SS project is done and will be on its way Monday!


Holy cow! Yes, Your Majesty, I did leave town and I am paying for it now trying to catch up!
Sounds like everyone has had a wonderful thanksgiving. Ours was very nice at my mom's and my Sister in Law's. It was pretty action packed as we had Fancy the Frizzle with us, so I am busy trying to get those pics up on the mascot thread.

I wasn't able to catch up on everyone's news, completely,

But Okiemom! CONGRATS!
How exciting! I agree with Skand that we should have a mass baby blanket sending! (yikes, I don't know if I can hook fast enough...maybe if the critter swap was postponed...)

Well, I have a really messy house and a lot of left overs to unpack, I will have to catch up later and read back for more news. Watch the mascot thread (SE's sig has the link) for Fancy's adventures.

More later! (ps. no squares (Maw was going to mail the rest this coming week after thanksgiving) but I got a surprise anyway! from SE! *not* my secret santa, btw. I will post a pic in a bit. Thanks SE

My surprise from SE


Our Thanksgiving table. There were 20 or so of us.

Skand, Jim saw Fancy's post on the Mascot thread and you might be spending it with us in WI next year.
We might have to drag down the guest cabin from the back field though, or maybe we could put a heater in the barn or have a big bon fire outside....
(my mom's house is not as big as it looks, but she has lots of room in the barn...)
you can stay in the house with the ladies, Skand.
We will send the guys off hunting (deer hunting starts the weekend before thanksgiving) and we'll stay in and stay warm and help my mom with the feast. Of course, every year she says the same thing.... "I am not doing *this* again!"
Sheeesh good thing I didn't have to worry about that anyway, we had the dinner a the town community hall my moble home is way tooo small for that it's a challange to have more than 6 people over for dinner, except in the warmer months then we cookout and have folks over I have 2 big picinic tables. I am looking forward to getting our house built so I can have some big family dinner during the Holidays.
I think we should all go to Rocket's Mom's next year looked like a great time to me, I saw the photos on the Mascot thread
Your little spider is pretty Rocket.. Nice job SE

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