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LOL Skand I might have stolen your cleaning fairy again. She's over here poking me in the behind with her wand trying to get me to get to work!

Algopurple, I *HATE* to clean. I despise it. I have one day a month *maybe* that I get up enough motivation to clean. I am surprised my DH hasn't killed me yet or shoved a mop in my hand and shoved me around the floor.
(Actually, he's much more domestic than I am. I would much rather be sitting by my dusty ole chickens or reading a book, or writing a story.)

OK PMed Feathers Acres. Hopefully she won't get even more scared away.

OW! Darn fairy... ok here I go, really... (I'll be over at your place in about 3 hours Skand. Gotta catch me when I have the cleaning mojo.)
ok it looks like i clean for about 5 mins then im back here, got to stop walking by the puter. I do have a question though. Isaac got into my desk and threw a bunch of cards all over the get well and stuff like that. I was thinking maybe i should just find someone that could use them since they have been in my desk for ever and i never take the time to send them. Does anyone want/need them for their church or if they send out alot of stuff like that so I dont have to put them back in my desk to sit for a few more years?
Just stopping in to say howdy! Didn't post here yesterday and now it's "after-noon" today.

Been in more of a lurking mood than posting mood.

After the other day making such good progress with my heavy house cleaning....I cratered and haven't done any more to finish it.

DH is off tomorrow, so we'll get everything done, clean and caught up.

TTYL Ladies!
hehehe those wands sure do make ya get the job done huh!
If I didn't clean my house, er okay, pick up piles everyday here, I couldnt fit my family inside the walls!!
It's so freakin small. and for a 3 bedroom!!! One of those 1950's manufactured homes. Doesnt even have wall insulation.
But Oh well, I love my tiny house!, would love it more of course if it was further back on the lot, and had a bigger kitchen. I have to walk out the back door, just to change my mind on what to fix for dinner. My laundry room? HA! I have a washer in one corner of the kitchen, and the dryer in the opposing corner, closest to the back door. And we use the back door to go outside, front door opens to the pheasant's pen. lol
So when I'm in full swing with cleaning.. music on, kid's in thier room, cleaning.... if I do the laundry thing, Jim always opens the door and knocks me on my bum!
know whats a cool gift you can do with cards...? cut out the scene.....glue it to a piece of wood...shalack(sp) it let dry repeat let dry and BAM! there ya go! add a hanging bracket and instant gift!!
Athena could use them with Troy's Place. Check SE's thingie for the addy to Iraq Soldier gifts, or whatever it's technically called.
yeah, real funny til your the one sittin down, looking up goin..."now what happened here?"

Yayy threw the girls in thier room, time for me to jimmy up the volume control and get my Wham! on I mean cleaning music. lol
What is this Troys place? I remember someone else talking about it the other day.

Scoot I like your idea but these cards don't really have pic. that would look good schlacked. Going to keep that in mind with my other prettier ones though.
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