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Scoot how did your plumbing trouble get? All cleared I hope

OMG, please don't ask, that was the grossest, nastiest conversation I have ever read...and I was eating lunch at the time!!! Turkey bologna and hair clogs = ralphing up your lunch!!!​
lol well Scoot hasnt said much bout it, guess it went down the drain. lol
Sorry bout the timing of your readin posts and us posting posts SE.
We'll try for a better time tomarrow. lol What time's lunch? Just so we know better next time. lol
hehehe got excited there....
I'll have to take a pic tomarrow, but I found the cutest, coolest ornament today at wally-world!!
It's a peacock with real feathers. He's got a hanger-dilly on top, and also a alligator clip on the underside, so you can make it look like it's sitting in the tree. So cool
I've always had some sort of bird fetish. My dad's mom, when I was toddling around, had a coo-coo clock and everytime it would go off, I'd run thru the house finding it. She gave me some birds to put on the Christmas tree when I was first born, after basically stealing them back from my mom, I now have them for my tree. Hope my p.cock likes it with the red and white birds. lol
Yayy now I have almost all the Christmas colors in birds... hehehhee
LOL OMG!!! i use that word too!!
and hmmmm caddywhompus! lol

Of course!! that's how ya sit cross-legged... caddywhompus!
Alyssa calls it sitting criss cross applesauce.. still figuring that one
Yay! Athena! I am glad you like him. I thought you needed a little snow.

I will try and take snow pictures tomorrow, gang...but today....(read on...)

I think your cleaning fairy changed her wand to a cattle prod, or a tazer, because not only did I clean my kid's disaster of a room, I mopped 3 rooms and am about to clean the bathroom. My kid's room took 2.5 hours to give you an idea of its level of disaster.

Yesterday I put pine shavings down in the run so the dumb (but sweet) chickens would get some fresh air and not drive each other nuts. This weekend it's tree getting and coop cleaning. Woo HOO!

And really, who needs TV when we have this group to entertain us? I love it!

Glad that your tub/toilet issue is working out, Scoot!
Love the chicken chatter, but I better get the kiddo in the tub and off to bed so I can take the sponge to the bathroom. *sigh* I will go out and get a new shower curtain too and make it all spiffy fresh in there.

Oh no! And I have laundry yet....
I will be back to catch up if I haven't collapsed. Then after my house is all clean, I have to hope that it stays clean enough for me to get my gift projects done...
Scoot, that's all I have to say... well that and you are the best!

Again, this group has just been shining stars in my day. Thanks gals!

ps. post #3752 is edited for an updated Secret Santa report. We all understand that Angie's might go out later, and Amy and EastTN, no worries! Reports of reception of gifts are still highly anticipated.
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wuhoo reading all about that cleaning fairy gettin all that work done has plain wore me out! Think the fairy turned into a tried and true ogre! Glad she's over at your house, I dun need a new shower curtain. Unless it comes over with a new bathroom!
And new kitchen floors. and some carpet for the living room, and new carpet for the rest of the house. Oh and did I mention a slightly bigger house? One with lots of closets, and drawers and cabinets, and shelves, and would a cellar be too much?

Think tomarrow, I'm going to try something new. Since I have to go get some paint for the new chicken coop(s), I'm going to grab an extra paint roll, and use it to wash my ceilings. I've done the whole standing on a chair with a bucket pinesol and a rag, and sorry, but I really hate having one arm soaked up to my armpit with pinesol.
Thinking if it works to paint that ceiling, why not use it to clean the ceiling. lol
LOL OMG!!! i use that word too!!
and hmmmm caddywhompus! lol

Of course!! that's how ya sit cross-legged... caddywhompus!
Alyssa calls it sitting criss cross applesauce.. still figuring that one

Hanger-dilly well ain't this a thinga-maflinger of thread fer us clare out thcher in Missery I mean Missouri, Oh now see what you've gone and done got me talking like I live past South Missouri.

you gals are such a hooot As my Dad would say Sk
you're a Corker.

I really enjoied reading all that today and just keepin up I would'nt of had time to type and keep up with ya all today

Oh Scoot I Love All the cleaning Smilie Graphics Bling those are GREAT
3 hrs of reading an I think I am finally back on track. lets see eggchel, algopurple, featherdacres WECLOME!!!! glad to have you here, sorry I wasn't here when yoiu first arrived, but I am here now so lets get this party started.

guess what gals???? I bet you all to the house cleaning today... !!!! LOL of course thats only because I am banned from the computer between the hrs of 8am to 6pm. so I had plenty of time and then to top things off dh made me nail spitten mad today, and for some reason when I get mad I go for a long walk and then come home and want to clean until my hands are raw and then lay down and want to sleep for about 5 hrs. so my room is beautiful again, laundrys caught up, kitchen is clean, along with every dish, cabinat, and the fridge which got took apart scrubbed and back togather both bathrooms 2 bedrooms dinning room, den, living room walls, and fan got vaccumed, yes walls got vaccumed. dont ask. dh before we met painted his walls with that pebblly gritter stuff that you would put on your ceilings. so when the fan is going all the dust webs get stuck to the wall and you have to vaccum then to get it off. so all of that and then cleaned the porch, went to the store, and feed and watered and walked and cleaned the hen barn, so I am now free for somemore hooking for a week or so.

well I am glad to see everyone is doing ok now and feel pretty darn good. I will chat with ya'll more in the morning as the day is finally catching up with me, and I will still have to get up at 4:45 im the moring to get dh off to a job interview so I will see yall then. Love ya to bits gals Maw.
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