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I just remembered I have to wash/dust the ceiling fans. I think I will plead allergies and make DH do it.

And now to make my list and keep my night time caffeine brewing because I am a night owl by nature and I just work better at off I go...

bathroom, laundry, hooking.. woo hooo! I will meet SE when she gets up in the morning I probably be up late enough.
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Wow Maw I do the same when I get realllly upset too...
But unforntunly you can tellby the look of my house I haven't been that mad in a while
... BoY I hope for both your sakes that Dh gets that job he's interviewing for.

Glad ya got to come in and read and visit. I had to do more reading today than chat but I enjoied the read.

Take care Maw

I will be getting out of here for a while Gotta get a boy to go to bed. may check back before I go to bed ,,, but no promises.

YEA! I got my squares today and they are wonderful. I am totally impressed! From the looks of these I am going to have to up my game considerably if I join the Spring swap.

I love the stitch marker, SE and thanks so much for the chick, Maw. I had to put it up on top of my computer desk 'cause my dog wanted it.

I know I don't post much 'cause not much happens around here. Just me, dh, Peaches(my dog), chickens and turkeys. And I certainly don't have the energy all of you seem to have. But I do read this thread if I don't read anything else. I get such a kick out of all of you.

I've been crocheting a capelet for my granddaughter and shopping bags for my sisters, an ornament or two for Christmas. Y'all have posted pics of a lot of pretty work you've done. I'm trying to decide on a big project for after Christmas.

Well, it's almost bedtime. See you tomorrow even if you don't see me.

nuttin wrong with that algo

Man ladies I feel terrible! I have discovered that I can't eat Ramen noodles, or chicken noodle soup. I get horribly sick. It's like I have the stomach flu without throwing up. I have been laying on the couch feeling like this since around 3. I wonder if it's the salt or the noodles? Gotta love pregnancy! Maybe this means it's a girl
I got sick really easily when pregnant with my daughter.
Okie, Hope you feel better! Hope you have cravings that won't make you sick... Algo, I wouldn't worry.
I totally stopped looking at my post count...unless my title changes, which is totally not my goal, it just catches my attention. If you're in a chatty mood and don't want to post, there's always the BYC chat room too. (man, can you see the BYC Hooker Sisters taking over the chat room???

I am ready to collapse...but floors are mopped, dd's room is clean, bathroom is clean, piles are mostly picked up.... thanks to Sk's
and Queen Scoot's fairy and help... Don't send that fairy here too often though, I don't think I can handle that much energy surge for too long.


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I see Rocket finally went to bed, lol!!! Ya'll might want to try chatting in the chat room, hadn't really thought of that before but several of you chatty hookers might love that. I think you can add instant messaging to your computers also so you can see when your pals are online and send ims that way to each other..course that would leave the rest of us with little crazy reading material! but it is an option....just a thought, certainly not trying to run off the chatter just being innovative.

Think tomarrow, I'm going to try something new. Since I have to go get some paint for the new chicken coop(s), I'm going to grab an extra paint roll, and use it to wash my ceilings. I've done the whole standing on a chair with a bucket pinesol and a rag, and sorry, but I really hate having one arm soaked up to my armpit with pinesol.
Thinking if it works to paint that ceiling, why not use it to clean the ceiling. lol

First off, I cannot beleive you are compulsive and thorough enough to clean your ceiling!!! Bet mine would wall down if I scrubbed it!! Secondly, that paint roller will drip and splatter your cleaning solution everywhere, and I mean everywhere. We used one to paint the den ceiling and I've never seen such a mess...good luck! You are probably alot more organized than me with the cleaning and you may do great, me, ceiling painting/cleaning is also not my thing!!! I did take the trash cans to the road a few minutes ago! I try to be quiet at 4:15 about that but it's not easy plus my older dog gets excited and barks, lol!! Sorry neighbors but the trash men come in this neighborhood way before 8 so if it's not out there it's missed. I have to clean today too, happy to be home, crazy for being up so early on a day off!! My dogs know my routine and wet, cold noses in the face and puppy french kisses are enough to get a dead person out of the bed in the mornings!!! Have a great day ya'll fun, crazy, wild and happy hookers!!
...would a girl's cruise be fun or what?????!!!!! maybe there is a hooker cruise line...can you even imagine??!!!! lol!!! ...boy that doesn't sound like I meant it to sound!!! I bet there are ALOT of hooker cruise lines, lol!!!!!!!! Wonder if there are really any CROCHET related cruise lines?!!! Probably hookin on all of them, lol!!!...​

Sign-Ups are now Open!


Theme: "Anything Goes" Feel free to experiment and challenge your skills for this swap! Hexagons, Circles, Squares, Triangles, or "Other" crocheted shapes are all welcomed!! (No amigurumi in this swap.)

Color: Any! Mix it up or stay the same, up to you!

Size: 6" minimum - 12" maximum. Try to be consistent though, for example, all of your squares should be pretty near the same size, all of your circles should be pretty near the same size....

Pattern: Any! Feel free to mix up your patterns and make every square different or every hexagon different, or all the same, up to you!

Number: As many as there are participants in the swap.

Dates: Chat and gab and get to know one another in this thread. Post as often as you like! Official sign-up opens on February 1, 2009 and Closes on March 1, 2009. All items are due to me no later than May 1, 2009.

New folks are encouraged to visit with us here in this thread and post and get to know us! Chickens are not required, in fact several members of this group are not chicken owners! We are always happy to have new friends here in the crochet club! We'd love to have you join the fun, join the swap or any other projects that we have going on!!!!

When you have finished your Shapes, send me a pm and I'll send you my address so that you can mail in your work.

You will be required to send your crocheted shapes in individual ziplock bags with your username and real name on each bag. In addition, you will need to send $10.00 for Flat Rate return postage. Thanks so much!!!!!! Have fun!!!


Spring Swap Sign Up List:

1. Scrambled Egg - (Darlene) -Organizer
2. Mawchikkide - (Jessica)
3. RisuRocket - (Shanah)
4. CoffeeLady3 - (Dena)
5. NoChicksHere - (Susan)
6. KaranLeaf - (Karan)
7. Skand - (Stephanie)
8. Lutheran Chick - (Kay)
9. Head4dmtns - (Trish)
10. Queen Scoot - (Rosey)
11. Amy Quilt - (Amy)
12. Mangled - (Em)
13. TB1 - (Teri)
14. Purr - (Terry)
15. Elcunni - (Erin)
16. 1MommaHen - (Lynda)
17. EastTnChick - (Steph)
18. Ginger Chic - (Amy)
19. Greenapple - (Lisa)
20. Alpaca Chick - (Bonnie)
21. Jacie's Coop - (Jacie)
22. Algopurple - (Elizabeth)
23. JenJScott - (Jen)
24. NewChickenFamily - (Jennifer)
25. LovemyChix - (Tess)
26. Feathers Acres - (?)
27. Leepsy ????????

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I've been back through 40 pages of this thread and sent MIA pm's to ALOT of hookers..many of them BRAND NEW!!! You all are the most welcoming group in town but we have to step up our follow through...there were a few names I haven't even seen in weeks, we aren't being very true to the nature of our "club" here if we just say hi and let folks fall through the cracks. Somewhere in the friendly daytime chattering, these new folks need to be added, encouraged and assimilated so they feel that they fit in...PLEASE help me out with this ya'll know I can't post during the day and I do what I can on my off time but that may be too late.. so that leaves the bulk of you all to make sure the new folks get looked after when they join. Should we have a buddy system where we match up with the new folks as an orientation kind of program? Sort of personally answer their questions for awhile and help them with the basics of the thread/swap/projects and forum as a whole? Maybe announce that you are partnering with the new person for awhile until you feel they are well acclimated? We have to step up here hookers, any ideas? Sorry to sound like I am busting chops this morning but I really see this as an area we need to work on now while our numbers are small..otherwise we just become another impersonal crocheteville or craftster forum and that is not at all what I want, probably not you all either...ideas???????????????????????????????????????
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It's Friday!!!!!!

Up early this morning so I have an hour to myself.

I have the weekend off and so does Hubby. He works a rotating shift so he works everyother weekend. He's going Christmas shopping today with 2 of his friends. He hates to shop and won't ever go with me , but I suppose his friends are better company.
He's only going to get me something but I already told him all I want is my 2nd run built in the Spring. I think he's going to get me some carhart bibs and coat. I've been wearing my snow gear.
I'll be happy with that!! I'm a practical person. I already bought myself a digital picture frame just because I got it after Thanksgiving for half the price and I knew the prices would go back up.

I am hoping to get some hooking done this weekend. I was on a roll and got 4 of those washclothes done for Christmas and my DD took 2 of them for herself. She latered up with one right away. She thinks I'm a miracle worker when I make something. I love her so much. She looked absolutely adorable in her dress last night for her program. I forgot my camera!!

Off to the coop: I hope the big hens didn't torment the babes too much. They were all huddled under the hen boxes last night. Overall I think they will do fine in a couple days. They outnumber the bullies 27 to 6.

Have a great day!!





SE i think partners would probably be the easiest to do....this way we each have someone to check to and help them feel at home!
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