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Your Majesty, love the emoticons, but some of them are just too much!

That one with the egg hatching reminds me of silkie eggs hatching, once they are out they trap you with their evil cuteness!
Yes, Rocket that would be great But she has only, that I have found, posted 1 time on New Members and that was Dec 12th. I sent her a PM. I will also give her a call and ask her to log back in and check her ChickenBox. I am trying to incourage her to chat with us gals here and maybe join the soapmaking thread too (there is one isn't there?) I told her she could share my chickens.

Oh my, YES, you definatly need to back all photos.
Burn them on a CD or pile of CD's I learned that lesson the hard way myself.

Scrambled Egg Holy Hookers ya'll!! ALOT of posts to catch up on!!!! Maw, girl my clumsy must be rubbing off on you!! Take care of yourself, we miss you alot and are hoping for a speedy recovery. hugs Rocket, I am sooo sorry about the damaged memetos, hopefully they will dry out some and at least you will be able to keep them in some form. hugs LC, wish you lived nearer!!! How cool would that be?!!!! How is your "off the Hook" club going? I love the name, so cute!! Are ya'll just hookin along or making a group project or swap? Karan, you are doing a great job on the babyghan squares, its an effort to coordinate any project and that one is mushrooming into quite a big one!! I also think it will be on-going, maybe not even a "sign-up" thing, just a contribution thing all along, unless you have new and changing deadlines for each group of squares..anyway, a pretty big project you got yourself there!!! thumbsup

My chicks are INSANE!!!! They just won't shut up... They take at least 10 minutes to tuck themselves in at night but they have to be INSANE for that entire 10 minutes or more before they finally shut up. OMG! I think I might need ear plugs.

gig gig Chatty Chicks, just like us!!

Thanks so much SE, That means ALOT coming from you
I have been hoping that I have been doing an ok job.
Just hope no one gets upset or discouraged with the changes from one to the next. I am Sooo very greatful for everyone jumping in there. BYC is a Wonderful Family to be a part of. I Love It

I had no idea there was a thread for this! Or did I? I can't blame my absent mindedness on pregnancy. I was this way BEFORE being pregnant...though I think it gets a little worse with each one

ETA: OMG scoot is is FREEZING today!!!!

I would like to take this moment to reintroduce myself Okie I am Karanleaf you BYC Adopt a Sister Big Sister Hooker

Preggies what can ya do but Love um
Lordy, that's a temp change Your Majesty....stay healthy! that's the kind of rollercoaster that gets people sick!

LOL Karan! heh... I posted the adopt thread up with a banner for your mom. Hope she sees it.

Okie - here's the link for the Adopt a BYC Hooker sister/brother. I have extras adopted if you want to adopt one of mine. It's just a way to help keep people up to date on swaps and stuff and answer specific crochet questions if you can, or guide them to answers. The link is also in my signature.

My pictures seemed to have dried alright. Thanks all! I have to go rescue the ones in the basement from the neighbor's evil cats now though...

My house is in chaos. I do NOT look forward to cleaning it or doing the umpteen million loads of laundry that I have to least 6 umpteen million of which are the clothes I had been saving from when Hannah was a baby and which were in the basement getting a thaw soaking.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Stay warm. Winter still wants to beat us up around here!
Love the closet!!! I actually have a room (the small formal dining room), but no closets. We moved here 2 months ago and I'm still trying to get the thing organized. Doesn't help that I now have a huge incubator and a brooder in there lol.
Maw, Im sorry to hear that you broke yourself up a bit. I totally understand how that happens. If there is a hole, I'll step in it and if there is something lying on the ground, I'll trip over it. Im real familiar with "face down in the mud".

Risu, Thats awful about the water damage. I hope that you are able to dry stuff out and save the things that are precious to you.

I lost all my special saved baby clothes (mine and my kids) to rats! We stupidly had the boxes stored in a detached garage and some roof rats decided to move in. Everything was chewed up or peed on. gaaaah
One day, when we were moving, I opened one of the boxes and a huge rat launched itself right at my face.
I screamed really loud and jumped straight backwards about 5 feet.
I got teased all day by the movers, the painters, my family, and the neighbors who heard me scream. But worst of all was seeing what the darn rat had done to my precious little hand embroidered baby clothes.

Since then, Ive collected a bunch of huge, old, trunks to store special things in.

Chel. I hate rats worse than I hate mice. If you wrap the clothes in some plain cotton sheets and then place in trash bags inside the trunks that will help keep them from rotting and or fading. Also put some moth balls in the trunks. Between the trash bags and the moth balls they will deter the vermin.
ugh! That would have put me off rats forever... good thing DH got me to like the pet ones before he brought the pet ones into our house... That is so awful about those clothes. I keep telling myself that I hope they wash, but still they are just things and fortunately the *really* special ones were in sealed plastic.

We are investing in rubbermaid - I am sure that company will have most of our savings by the time we get the mess cleaned up.

Back to lurking for me. I am working on Fancy the Frizzle baby's sibling for a friend. I hope the second one turns out as well as the first one...
Good Idea the containers....

I know the Frazzle Fancy little 3 will be adorable.
Hey Rocket try to jot down your pattern as you go. Please....

Let us know how it comes out.

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