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Skand so sorry about your uncle. Will be thinking of you.

Nice square queen!, I have a pattern for that, just haven't tried it yet.

Nice work shmoo!

I did cake decorating many moons ago. I took the wilton home course. Cakes looked nice, lot of work. Had to quit because of the arthritis. So yes skand, no matter how crappy it turns out, the girls will love it!
Later gaters,
Thanx everyone, we all really need them. Jim's home, he's stable right now, Jim didn't get to see him, but from dealing with Jim's wreck 4 yrs ago, we've all agreed that right now, brain damage isn't likely (wearing a helmet really kept him from becoming an organ donor), but with them not calling a helicopter in to transport, and with him trying to pull tubes, we think he'll just become dumb for awhile like Jim. Walking sideways, forgetting a lot, starting halfway through a conversation. lol

Shmoo...that's awesome work man! Can ya get me some of that yarn-y stuff? Does it come in more colors?
most deffinatly ! just pay for the yarn.. well sting lol itself and ill ship it to you free
i comes in lots of colors ! my mom has a roll thats black and white
ill post a pic off that too
btw this shop i got it from is AMAZING .. i could spend like HOURS in it lol

I will add your Uncle Bruce to my prayer list, and keep you and Jim in my prayers as well.

Now you all quit getting sick on me, it's taking me longer and longer to say my daily prayers!

I want to see some wellness on here, that's an order!

Nobody else is allowed to be sick for at least 6 months! Or at least until we get all the projects done!
ha ha the projects are never done! So we are never allowed to get sick! I can live with that!

Sk I will pray for him too.

That is some cool yarn!!!

Aunt Lydia's is crochet thread isn't it?

Tomorrow is my ultrasound!!!!!!!!!!! It is about 10:30, so I figure give me a couple of hours to have the U/S, tell the fam, and sit in shock for about an hour if it's multiples again.
Chuck, my pastor was telling us one day when he was young, he got the bright idea to set his alarm clock to go off at 4am so he could start his prayer list. He was going to pray for everyone he knew, and include a special prayer for each person. 4:30 rolls around, his mom comes in to check and see why the alarm went off so early. There's her son, half hanging onto his bed by his arms and head, dead asleep. She helped get him back in bed, he woke up enough to tell her what was going on, got so far as, well, I said a prayer for everyone I could think of, and all I could think was, Dear Lord, I'm tired.

I rushed the girls through the showers, Alyssa is getting out her jammies, and tells me, Momma, remember what Uncle Bruce tells me and Caydence when we fall down and get hurt, "Praise the Lord that heals you", well, can we say that for him? My girls, how I love them so... There has got to be a test to take that proves that even though I gave them life, they aint mine. lol There is no way I could have spawned such wonderful, loving, giving, and caring kids. If it wasnt for the bickering and screaching like banshees, I'd swear they belong to someone else, and that all I'm here for is to feed them occasionally. lol
for all the sick ones today and hoping for good health.

Luke, a teeny bit of tweaking and that would be an awesome circle! Seems you have a few extra stitches near the bottom left, othersie super terrific first try and that Aunt Lydias is really thin so you sure have done a great job to pick such challenging yarn/thread!!!

Gotta get back into a normal work routing today, no more short weeks, yuck! Have a good one everyone!
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