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Wow, Risurocket! Thanks!!
Wonder what Sue will think when I walk up, hand her this list and $50 and say, "If you have time, and you don't mind, and you happen to be near one of these stores, will you get me the softest wool yarn you can find, in earth tones? To crochet with? Pretty please?"
I'll use my best puppy dog eyes while trying not to beg.

It's a good thing I'm addressing 200+ wedding invites for someone in the next 2 weeks. I have more wants than $ until I get those completed!

So no hooking until the calligraphy is complete, since my wrist can't handle both at once. Poor cats are gonna be locked on the porch for DAYS. They seem to find scritchy writing more attractive than yarn, even.
Sorry Trudy about the full box. It's all cleared and I received your PM. I'll get that copied and mailed off to ya.

Mawchick ~ you aren't going to believe this, but I finally got your dishcloth patterns in the mail to you.
FINALLY!!!!! So sorry that I promised forever ago to do that for you. I was to lazy to go to the PO, so I stuck a lot of stamps on the thick envelope in hopes that it is enought to get it to you. LOL!!!! Let me know if you receive them.

Mawchick could I have a copy of the 3-D sunflower pattern when you get a chance. That sounds cool!!!

Wecome back risurocket!!!!
We've always wanted to go to Scotland. Hopefully someday in the future. Glad you had a great trip, but so sorry you didn't see any cute men in kilts.

I might get some hookin done while dd is at piano lessons this afternoon. Yahoo!!!! I need to....I feel so behind.
I have also seen that sunflower pattern and several other great ones in the 99 Granny Square Patterns book..paperback, cheap

yep, that is where I got the pattern from. It only makes a 4" square, but I add a few more rounds to it.
well, the men in kilts I saw were definitely cute, but I just didn't feel tourist enough to ask for a pic with them. (regretting that now, for sure) One was a really hot waiter at a pub and the other was waiting at a train station.

My chickIN box is clear now...had no idea it was getting so full.

Quick question - what's the general chain length for a 6 in square? Or do I need to just hold my yarn up to a ruler? And warning: if I ever get all umpteen million squares done for this swap this year, they might be rather interesting, as I appear to be making my own design, for better or worse, making it up as I go seems to be what is working best for me...I just need to get it down to 6 inches looks like I have a scarf in the making at the moment instead of a square.
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Hey how are those Avon eggs doing? Do you have a thread going in the incubating & hatching sec? I looked, but might be blind.

Come on chickies!!!!!

Congratulations on the side job...more $$$ for more eggs. Hee!Hee!!
Hey Kim!
No thread started yet since I can't post pics and am at work. Will start one later tonight if the little buggers actually emerge LOL

Yeah. I doubt DH agrees with the 'more $ = more
' philosophy.... I have a feeling he's going to lecture me enough when he sees what actually hatches from the eggs currently in the bator
Like my millies....
Way cool..bookmarked!!!! Thank you!! I actually NEEDED more patterns!!!

Shanah, that was sweet of you to send us that hotel picture you stayed at while you were gone..we posted it, did you see?! Hate there are no men in kilt pictures though, lol!!!!

You know I did not realize the sign up closes on September 1st!! Wow, glad I've been working on my squares awhile or I'd be comin up on the deadline granny-ing like a wild woman!!

Good luck on the hatch Lori!!!

Ronnie...don't drop out!! We don't care what your squares look like girl!! It's the swappin and gabbin and hookin together we like the best!!! You'll get the hang of it...and we aren't quitting you so go get that hook and try again!!!!
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